12 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 9


ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 6th Feb., Sunflower, Forrester, from Sydney: Bindle, Cole- man, from China ; Plantagenet, Bird, from Bengal; and Malcolm, Smith, from Madras ; 7111, Belhaven, Gilkinson, from Chins; and Cassibelaunus, Armstrong, from Bombay ; 8th, Garland Grove, Robson, from Sydney; Mohawk, Morrison ; and Hugh Walker, Cameron, from China ; and Wm. Shand, Cleland; and Cinderella. Clunls, from Calcutta ; and 10111, Harpley, Buckley, from Hobart Town ; and Heath, Whiteway, from Maud tiuS. In the Downs, 10th, Isabella, WNeillage, from Singapore ; Scindian, Carmen, from Calcutta ; Kent, Terry, from Madras ; and City of London, Lonicridge, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 6th, Bahamian, Hawkins ; Matilda, bPDowell; and Isabella, Kerr, from Calcutta ; 7th, Albion. Gardner ; Wilda), Dark ; and Queen of England, Pearson, from Calcutta ; and Persia, Morris, from Bombay ; 10th, Surat. Harrison ; and Bella Marina, Wood, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 8th, Ann Martin,

Marlin, from Bombay. At Cork, 3d, Passenger, Walker, from Penang; 5111, Phenician, Sproul, from Manna ; and 6th, Jaya, Pickering, from Batavia.

BAILED—From Gravesend, bth Feb-, Canton, Friend; and Elphinstone, Tylman, fbr Sydney ; 6th, Dutchess of Bucclettch, Collier, for Ceylon ; Sib, Princess Royal, Youngtrusband ; and Zealous, Wilson, for Adelaide; and Breadalbane, Hamilton; for esessuns.