WAR.OPIPtC11, Feb: 8.-3rd Regt. Dragoon Guards: Maj. E. R. Storey to be Llent.-Col. by purchase, rice Holmes, who retires; Capt. .1. !redden to be Maj. by purchase, vice Storey; Lieut. Thomas Arthur to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hadden ; Cor. Math. Ford Beaman to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Arthur; John Hopton, Gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Beauman-lst Regt. of Dra- goons : John Green, Gent, to be Vet.-Surg. vice W. Ryding, who retires upon half-pay-7th Regt. Light Dragoons : R. Lumley. Gent, to be Cor. by purchase, vice Lord Dorchester, promoted-1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards : EHS. and Lieut. Lord J. D. Of. 1). Scott to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice W. 0. Stanley, who retires; Second Lieut. E. T. Hodgson, from the 87th Foot, to be Ens. and Lieut. by purchase, vice Lord J. Scott-let Regt. of Foot : Ens. Hon. A. Dalton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stanford, who retires ; W. Mathias, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Dalton-5th Foot: Ens. E. Gifford lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice King, promoted; A. E. Macdonogh, Gent. lobe Ens by purchase, vice Gifford- 20th Foot: Lieut. W. It. Waddell, from the 47th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Taylor, who exchanges-22nd Foot : Lieut. J. Poole tube Capt. vice Douglas, deceased ; Ens. D. Walsh to be Lieut. vice Poole; Gent. Cadet J. B. Flanagan, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens. vIceWalsh-26th Foot: Capt. H. Ellis' from half-pay 66th Foot, to be Capt. vice R. J. E. Rich, who exchanges-47th Foot: Lieut. J. Taylor, from the 20th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Waddell, who exchanges-50th Foot : A. Baxter, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Ross, appointed to the 52nd Foot- 52nd Foot : Capt. G. Gawler lobe Maj. by purchase, vice Cross, promoted in the 6th Foot; Lieut. J. Bentham to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gawler Ens. F. G. Bull to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bentham ; Ens. R. Ross, from the bOth Foot, to be E ns. vice Bull-68th Foot : Maj. J. Cross, from the 52nd Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. by pur- chase, vice Barrow, who retires-70th Foot: Capt. J. F. Sweeney to be Maj. by pur- chase vice Tredennick, who retires; Lieut. G. L. Harvey to be Capt. by purchase, vice pur- chase, Ens. G. Durnford to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Harvey ; H. Gerrard, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Durnford-86th Foot: Lieut. J. Gallwey, front the Ceylon Regt. to be Lieut. vice Holt, promoted-91st Foot: Capt. C. Barrie to be Maj. by purchase, vice Fraser, promoted; Lieut. J. Thornhill to be Capt. by purchase, vice Borne; Ens. C. B. DI'Murdo to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Thorn- hill ; A .Walker, Gent, lobe Ens, by purchase, vice 31•111urdo ; Lieut. E. C. Coils, from the 77th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Heartszoak, dec.-99th Foot: Ens. J. Campbell to be Lieut. without purchase, vice VVarton, dec. • Gent. Cadet E. H. Smith, from the Royal Military College, lobe Ens. vice Campbell.
Unattached-To be Lieut.-Col. of Infantry, by purchase, Maj. W. Fraser, from the 91st Foot-To be Capt. of Infantry, by purchase, Lieut. J. NV. King, from the 5th Foot.
Memorandum-The undermentioned officers have been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of unattached commissions-310.-6mb C. Palmer; Capt. M. Forster, half-pay 49th Foot.