12 DECEMBER 1992, Page 34


Sir: Following the publication of Nicholas Farrell's article (Passive smoking: the big lie', 14 November), I look forward to a whole series of thought-provoking pieces from his intelligent pen, and would like to suggest three titles he may care to consider, together with a brief synopsis of each: 1. 'Seat-belts: the big lie.' Nicholas Far- rell argues that the risk of being strangled by your seat-belt is far greater than the risk of breaking your head open if you choose not to wear it.

2. `Dog dirt: the big lie.' Nicholas Farrell argues that dog owners are the victims of a campaign based on puritanism and propa- ganda and that the presence of faecal mat- ter in our streets actually improves the environment.

3. 'Lead water-pipes: the big lie.' Nicholas Farrell argues that the risk of lead poisoning is exaggerated and that, in any case, we all have to die of something.

David Fletcher

66 High Street, Hemingford Green, Huntingdon, Cambs.