12 DECEMBER 1914, Page 15


[To TER EDITOR or TH1 "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Enclosed find draft for £5 to be applied as you may deem best in the interest of the British soldier.—I am, Sir, &c.. FRANK ATKINSON. V311 Manito Blvd., Spokane, Wash., U.S.A.

[We have sent this donation, as we recently sent a similar gift, to the Young Men's Christian Association, for we are convinced that no institution does better work for the Army as a whole through its provision of recreation huts. Mr. Atkinson may rest assured that the fine reticence of his letter will not be lost upon our readers, whether " Britisher " or American. He knows that the way to touch English hearts is not to say too much.—ED. Spectator.]