12 AUGUST 1938, Page 36



[A prize of a Book Token for one guir a will be given to the sender of the first corre;r solution of this week's crossword puzs.le to be opened. Envela.es should be mark,- " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than tk irst post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Soli,• ins should be on dm form appearing below. The name of the winner wih be puln ied in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-hafpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A.. zr-'ot be accepted.]

a. Narrow escape of a barber. proper . . ."

9. In between a twist in a rope. 6. See 4.

I I. An aristocratic blow ?

existed an unreasonable long on the head.

16. This Japanese quarrel is causes concussion.

19. Grasp with the unchecked these cloaks.

letters of a across. 13. Put a seal (anag.).

20. "A drunkard clasp his teeth, 16 and 33. Wets thoroughly.

run through 'em." able ?

24. A musician wouldn't give a 23. Puccini opera.

26. rev. All this is moderate. wind-beaten . .

consider this a heavenly delicate.

3o. Slip duty (anag.). 3o rev. See 31.

34. When you've caused to move rustic.

a donkey around, you've 33. See 16 down.

probably needed many of SOLUTION TO these from the animal.

35. rev. On the contrary, an CROSSWORD NO. 306 insipid athlete doesn't get like this.

DOWN a. A man who wanted his coat this way wouldn't want to be taken literally.

2. rev. Fellows from the north.

3. rev. The kind of horse sleepers don't like.

4. rev. with 6. Spiteful women. ACROSS 5. " Celestial rosy red, love's

time. 9. rev. Mass of hair that

going on. zo. Relatives like a gentle colour.

somnia does not need. children are wrapped in and not undo 'em, 18. Does this kind of a seat make To suffer . . . damnation to the schoolboy uncomfort- men need. don't appear to be healthy.

recital on this kind of piano ! 25. " To wander alone by the

catch. 29. This band goes to the head.