On the 30th July, at Piltodrie House, the Lady of ALAN C. DUNLOP, Esq., of a son. On the let August, at Sandy Cove, the Lady of James Duro); MACNAMARA, Esq., of Ayl, county Clare, of a son and heir.
On the let. at Heydon Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM NEVINS, of a son. On the 1st, at Whelp° House, the Lady of the Rev. C. PARKER, of a sou. On the 4th, at liolton Hall. Yorkshire, the Lady of J. F. Hoosoar, Esq.. of a son. On the 5th. at Harefield House. Cheese. the Lady of Captain LECKLINBY PHIPPS, Sixty- eighth Light Infantry, of a tlaughter, still born.
On the 5th, at Bleudworth House, Hants, the Lady of GEORGE Caen. Esq., of a daughter. On the 5th, at Northfield Villa, near Gloucester. the Lady of EDMUND Homer= junior, Esq., of a e=on. On the 6th, at Longford Rectory, Lady CAROLINE GARNIER, of a daughter. Oa the 6th, at Yeoviltou Rectory, Somerset, the lady of the Rev. REGINALD Noe, of a sou.
On the 2d August. at Viewforth House. Edinburgh, DAVID PEAT, Esq., Commander Royal Navy, to Et:BARI:Tit BALLING as. Widow of DAVID PRATT. Esq.. of Seggie. n the 2d, at Birkhill. THOMAS SMITH. Esq.. late Physician Gen.-gal Bengal Presi- dency, to MARY TURNER, daughter of the late HENRY SCREMGEOUR WEDDERBURN, Esq., of Wedderburn.
On the 3d. at Woolwich. Captain BEEN, of the Royal Artillery, to ELLA, daughter of the late Jour; MOLYNEUX. Esq., of Gravel Hilt, Shropshire, and granddaughter of the late Right Hon. Sir Capel Mulynenx. Bart. On the 3d, at Enlield, the Rev. CHRIFropHER GREENBIDE. to FANNY, youngest daughter of WILLIAM BoTT0BILET, Esq., of Enfield, Middlesex.
On the 5th. at Trinity Church. St. Marylebone, Heicav, eldest sou of Hume S. Nowrearre. Esq., and grandson of Sir S. H. Northcote, Bart.. of Pynes. Exeter, to CECILIA. PRANGE/, eldest daughter of the late 'Nobles Pamirs, Esq., or Lincoln's Inn Fields.
On the 7th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, ENRIQUE PARTS, Esq.. only son of Jose Ignacio Paris. Esq.. of Bogota, New, to ELIZA. second daughter of THOMAS JAMES STIONACM Esq. On the 8th, at Sousing, Berke, the Rev. MATTHEW 'PHOBIAS FARRER, Vicar of Adding. ton, Surrey. second son of James William Farm. Esq., Master in Chancery, to Flux- es'. eldest daughter of Enwano GUMMI, Esq., of Maideu Erlegh, Berks. On the 9th, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, the Hon.THOSIAN PRESTON, SOU of Viscount GORMANSTON, to MARGARET. fourth daughter of the late JOHN HAMILTON, Esq., of Saudrum, Ayrshire : aud at the same time and place, HENAN SPENCER, Esq., of Helmiogton Hall. Durham, youngest son of the late Captaiu SHIELD, to Jaye Haormot, youngest daughter of the late JOHN HAMILTON, Esq.
On the 21st May. at Surat, WILLIAM RICHARDSON. Esq., of the Bombay Civil Service, Judge and Session Judge of that City; in his 39th year. On the 23d. at Malligaum. Bombay Presidency, EMILY. Wife of' lftercatme Esq., of the H. C. Civil Service; in her 27th year.
On the 26th July, at Sadborum House, Thurucombe, the Rev. C. B. Bimoos ; iu his 50th year. On the 26th, at Brislington, Captain Jones Mo.r.ea, R.N.. who is'as a Lieutenant in the Queen in Lord Howes Victory, on the 1st June, 1794: in his 83d year.
On the 3d August, at Sevenoaks, the Rev. JAMES 1.1.011D Wact,scx, M.A., Master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School ; in his 40th year.
On the 5t1,, at Lower Grosvenor Street, Lieutenant-Colouel WILLIAM Jorms, late of the Fifth Dragouu Guards, and of Lowestoft, Suffolk.
On the 6th, at Bath. DAME HELEN BAOSHAWE, Relict of the late Sir William Cham- bers Bagshawe, of the Oaks, Derbyshire; in her 75th year.
Oa the 6th, at Albury Park, ANrimit HENRY, youngest and last surviving son of HENRY and Lady HARRIET DRUMMOND; in hit 21st year. On the 6th, et Gloucester Place. Portman Square, Miss amuse= DALi.AS, sister oh the late Chief Justice Dallas.
On the 8th. at Great Malvern, STEED Gott:cm-rose. Esq., of Stibbington Hall, Northamptonshire; in his 68th year. Ou the 9th. at Montague Square, Major General Sir DONALD MACLEOD, K.C.B., of the Bengal Army.
At Boathwaite Nook, near Broughton in Furness, Mrs. ATKINRIN: in her 93,1 year.