Shorter Notices
The Irish Dramatic Movement. By Una Ellis - Fermor. (Methuen. los. 6d.)
THE Anglo-Irish theatre has certainly not lacked its com- mentators, but there was room for a systematic study of the movement from an aesthetic standpoint such as Miss Ellis- Fermor has written. Her book is a critical history which judges the Irish theatre in relation to the theatre of the world ; it would be stiff reading for the casual reader, but will be of value to anyone who already has an interest in the subject. Miss Ellis-Fermor is at her best when writing of Yeats, of whose work for the theatre she gives a very well-balanced and perceptive account. She gives perhaps more than her due to Lady Gregory, whom incidentally she is mistaken in imagining to have been an Irish scholar, and there are some rather odd remarks about Synge. But the book as a whole is certainly a valuable one for students of its subject.