12 APRIL 1902, Page 2

The amended scheme for dealing with questions in the new

Rules of Procedure was introduced by Mr. Balfour on T ties day. By this it is proposed to allow questions to which an asterisk has been affixed by the questioner, as demanding an imme. diate reply, from 2.15 to 2.55 p.m. In this way Mr. Balfour esti- mated that sixty questions might be disposed of ; while if notice were given of more than sixty the clerks at the table or a small Select Committee should discharge the duty of selection. For the remaining five minutes questions decided by the Speaker to be of an urgent character and questions relating to the business of the House might be put. It would also be competent for Members after 2.55 to move the adjourn- ment of the House, and, if leave was given, the ques- tion should be discussed at the evening sitting. Public busi- ness was to be proceeded with till 7.30, and not till 8, as originally proposed, but divisions might be taken after 7.30. Discussion of this part of the scheme being de- ferred, the proposal that the Friday sitting should begin at 12 and last till 6 was carried by 192 votes to 112, and the remainder of the week's sittings was devoted to discussing the new Standing Order as to priority of business. This providei that Government business shall have precedence before Easter at every sitting except the evening sitting on Tuesday and Wednesday and the sitting of Friday, and that after Eastex such business shall have precedence at evening sittings on Tuesdays, and after Whitsuntide precedence at all evening sittings.