At the Court of Chancery, on Tuesday, a singular-looking man
re- quested the attention of Lord Brougham; and the following colloquy took place between them.
The Lord Chancellor--" Who are you, Sir?"
Stranger—" I am Dr. Kelley, the doctor of the poor."
The Lord Chancellor—‘' Well, and what have you got to say, Sir ? " Dr. Kelley—" I have two letters, my Lord and Gentlemen of the Bar. [Here Dr. Kelley turned himself round to the members of the Bar on his left hand, as if anxious to gain their ear as well as that of his Lordship.]
The Lord Chancellor—" Never mind the Gentlemen of the Bar."
Dr. Kelley—" Well, my Lord, I have got two letters which I wish to present to your Lordship. This one is from his Most Gracious Majesty." [Here the Doctor handed a letter.]
The Lord Chancellor—" I receive his Majesty's letter with great respect." Dr. Kelley—" And this one, my Lord, is from your Lordship's most noble colleague, Lord Althorp." The Lord Chancellor—" I also receive his Lordship's letter."
Dr. Kelley—" Both letters, my Lord, relate to the cholera morbus. More than 1,500 cases of cholera morbus have come under my care, all of which I have successfully treated. In fifteen weeks, during which time I was attended by two worthy clergymen, I was engaged in treating cases of cholera; and during that time I only slept two hours. Your Lordship, will, no doubt, be aware that the world cholera is derived from the Greek, and—" Lord Chancellor (smiling)—" I am perfectly aware of that ; and I also re.. collect another word derived from the Greek, called choleric ; and if persons persist in interrupting the business before it, the Court gets choleric." (Loud laughter.) Dr. Kelley—"I have a specific for cholera. I am sensible of what the coun- try owes your Lordship fur your law reforms, and other improvements, and for the deep interest you feel in all that relates to the good of your country. I hope your Lordship will sit on that Bench as long as Sir Thomas More, one of your predecessors in office, did." (Much laughter.) Lord Chancellor—" Mr. Rolfe, proceed with your case."
Dr. Kelley then retired, after giving his Lordship a profusion of low bows, and one or two to the gentlemen of the bar. From his accent it was easy to perceive he was an Irishman, and from his manner it seemed that he was labouring under insanity.
Joseph James Cohen was tried at the Middlesex Sessions on Tues- day, on a charge of stealing a coat from Lord William Lennox, who appeared as the principal witness against him. There was not much doubt as to the man's guilt ; but he was acquitted, by direction of the Court, on the ground that he had held possession of the garment for more than three months : in such eases, Lord Chief Justice Denman, and other Judges, held that the indictment should fall to the ground.
On Wednesday, Mr. William Hanston, and Mr. John Stevens were indicted for assaulting Baron Von Stotttier, on the 19th of November last. The prosecutor having found it convenient to come to reside in tlus country, took apartments in the house of Mr. Hanston, in Fleet Street ; and on the day of the assault, another lodger in the house having lost a valuable gold ring, directions were given to search all the inmates, not excepting the German Baron, the present prosecutor. He was indignant at such an insult ; and in consequence of some words that ensued, he was assaulted by the defendants, who attempted to turn him out of the house. The Baron, in giving his evidence, rambled into discussions on subjects in nowise connected with the prosecution. The defendants stated that the prosecutor had been very violent, and had threatened to shoot every person in the house. The Jury found a verdict of Guilty ; and the defendants were sentenced to pay a fine of 40s. each, and to enter into recognizances of I00/. to keep the peace.
At the Queen Square Office, on Tuesday, Edward Selby, a boy *of sixteen, was committed on a charge of breaking open his mother's cash-
box, and stealing three sovereigns. His family and connexions are in good circumstances ; and his mother is a widow lady, residing in Chel- sea. Mr. Selby, the prisoner's uncle, said there was no other alterna- tive; and the family had determined to proseeute him. Two Italian boys vere sent to the House of Correction on Wednes- day, for fourteen days, for begging in the streets. The person who made the charge against them was one of their owit countrymen. He said that there were more than four thousand of these poor boys in England ; that their masters, who lived on the fruits of their begging, dressed and fared sumptuously, and had a regular annual settlement of accounts at Michaelmas. The speculation seems to be a very extensive one, and carried on in a business-like way. The boys themselves are better off in prison than under their masters' control.
Diana Moore was charged at the Thames Police office, on Tuesday, with dangerously wounding her own mother. It was proved that the mother was sitting at breakfast with two other women and her daughter, when one of them dropped the prisoner's cup often o» the door, and broke the cup. The prisoner, greatly provoked, seized the saucer of the bro- ken cup, and was about to throw it at the head of the person who broke it, when the mother prevented her. She then seized a knife which was lying on the table, and aimed a blow at her mother between her eyes. The old woman fell as if dead ; and the other females present endea- voured to secure the prisoner ; who after a desperate struggle, got away from them, rushed into the street, and commenced an attack OH the par- lour windows, and before she could be stopped broke nineteen panes of glass. The virago was secured by the Police, and committed by Mr. Ballantine for trial.
Two women were charged by a Policeman, on Wednesday, with disorderly conduct ; but Mr. Ballantine dismissed them without pun- ishment, as it appesred that one of them had been most brutally abused by the Policeman. Two men stated that the women had not been noisy or disorderly ; and the Magistrate said that, if the Police Com- missioners did not dismiss the constable, he would punish him himself,
The Governor of Newgate reported to the Gaol Committee at Guildhall last week, that the services of Joseph Osman, the junior hangman, might be dispensed with. This occasioned great alarm to that functionary; and he presented a petition to the Court of Alder- men, setting forth the distress which a dismissal would bring upon him- self and family, and the continued necessity for his services. He re- minds the Court that he has held his office for four years : " That his character he has maintained most ex,:ellent throughout ; having always been sober, honest. clean, and faithfully attentive to the punctual dischro . g ... of the duties of his office : that he was never arranged at the bar of Justice in the whole course of his life : that he had the honour to be :ippointed to the office he tills by the worshipful Court itself: awl that so far from his set Vireri behlg 11(1 longer required, that it is impossible for one individual to is the thing at the iinle of the execution : and that the casual attendance of an assistant from time to time, particularly when :t great deal of business is ill band, would he attended with as notch expense to the city of Lon.' du as the continuance of your petitioner in the aforesaid office."
He states also, truly enough, that if turned out of his present occu- pation,
" Vulgar prejudice will prevent his being employed, on account of the unpleasant na- ture or his present 1Iuties: that if he does get employed, it must be in some rery foto capacity. where people W011111 he always reminding him of his former work, and holding hint up to ridicule; although he never offended against propriety in performing his duties, which, as in linty km nil, Ike will be always most an eiwo: and trilling to rrform towards the honourahle Court."
It was finally determined that the petitioner should be retained ; partly on account of his excellent qualifieations for "lending a hand," and partly to prevent the necessity, in case of a strike, of the Sheriff being the hangman himself.
Henry Hughes, the man who committed a brutal assault on a girl eight years old, in Penge Wood, was hanged on Monday, at the horse- monger Lane Gaol.