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The period of inaction is now passing away, and the commencement of the winter season is proclaimed by the reopening of the Haymarket. Mr. Buckstone has painted and furbished up his house throughout, and a new drop-scene by Mr. Calleott, representing Thespis in his cart, is effective as a fresh landscape, while appropriate in its import. Novelty is not yet attempted. Murphy's Way to Keep Rim, which wound up the past sea- son, has inaugurated the present one, and Senora Force Nene, the Spanish danseuse displays her fascinations in a ballet nominally new, but really identical with any one of its predecessors, produced within the last half- dozen years.
The power which a young and charming wife may exhibit in inducing an old and susceptible husband to adopt modern usages instead of anti- quated customs and even to cut off his time-honoured pigtail, is agree- ably shown by Mr. Charles Selby in a short dramatic sketch of which he is the author, and to the success of which he contributes, in no small de- gree, by his very humorous and careful impersonation of the amiable but fastidious old man, whose amiability is to be increased, and whose fastidiousness is to be undermined by the allurements of the progressive lady, acted by Miss Swanborough. That the moral of the piece may not render us too bigotted worshippers of modern improvements, the author has provided us with a palliative in the person of a very slangish and very vulgar individual of the genus "gent," who is represented with all his rude force by a novice named Clarke. While, on the other hand, the oldfashioned gentleman is screwed up to modern ideas, the cub of the present day is shorn of his modern exuberances, and thus a very respect- able type of the nineteenth century is effected. The place of moral in- struction is the Strand Theatre, and the dramatized lecture is entitled The Last of the Tigtaiis.