11 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 4

SOUTHWARK ELECTION.—A meeting of the friends of Lord John Russell

took place on Monday evening, at the Nag's head in the Borough; whefe the noble lord " formally declined offering himself as a candidate. Considerable regret seems to have been expressed at this determination of Lord John. We suspect that his chance was exceedingly small. Mr.. Calvert still remains in the same position as before, "letting I dare not wait upon I would, like the poor cat th' adage." A Mr. Farncomb, a wharfinger, has been solicited to stand for the vacancy, and he com- menced his canvass yesterday; he is said to be supported by the late Mr. Harris's friends. Mr. Edward Lytton Bulwer has also been talked off. In short, Southwark seems almost as much at a loss for representatives as Yorkshire was ; had it but a modicum of the same spirit, it. would imitate Yorkshire's example. After all, if Mr. Calvert will drop his coquetry, and come forward fairly and frankly, he will probably meet small opposition ; from the Whig Reformers, we believe, none. If, on the other hand, he declare off, Colonel Jones seems to stand the best chance. We have some doubt whether the Tory Reformers can return a member now, though they succeeded in the person of Mr. Harris. Nous verrons.

CORONER FOR. MIDDLESEX.—The election for this office commenced on Thursday, at the Sessions-house, opposite Clerkenwell Green. Mr. Sheriff Richardson presided. Mr. Wakley was proposed by the Rev. George Evans, seconded by Mr. Rogers. Mr. Baker, the other candi- date was proposed by Mr. Whitbread, the ex-member, seconded by Mr. F. flodson. The candidates afterwards briefly addressed the meeting. A show of hands was then taken • which proving unsatisfactory, of course a poll was demanded. Sir Join Lilly Scott, Colonel Jones, and Dr. Thompson, afterwards spoke in Mr. Wakley s favour. Yesterday the polling recommenced ; and during the whole of the day, the green had what the reporters of these matters call a very animated appearance, A great deal of bad English was spouted ; an immensity of gesticulation thrown to the winds ; and, as episodical to this oratorical display, not a few heads were broken as well as Priscian's, and many foul matters be- sides foul words were hurled by one opponent against another. We remark that all the speakers on the occasion are described as mounted on barrels. This combination of froth and beer is appropriate enough. In the course of the day, it was stated that Mr. Wakley had the promise of 3600 votes; ms these came forward, his election may be Considered certain, notwithstanding its present unpromising appearance. There was a great deal said about Mr. Wakley's calumniating private character'; which afterwards turned out to be the criticism on Mr. B. Cooper's cele- brated operation. The number at the close of the poll last night were—. Baker, 1,143; Wakley, 732; majority for Baker, 411, The poll, it is aid, will be kept open for the whole fifteen days. NEW-POLICE RATE.—A meeting took place last night in the rooms of Mr. Coulton, in the Borough, on the subject of the New-Police rate, which seems pretty.universally to be the subject of complaint. Resolu- tions condemnatory of the rate were passed. . THE OWENIAN PHILOSOPHY.--51T. Owen had a meeting at the Freemason's Tavern on Monday ; when resolutions, whose scope and. purliort we do not pretend to understand, but which were of course agreeable to his system, were'entered into ; and a Committee, contain. mg (not by permission) the names of the Duke of Wellington and the. Archbishop of Canterbury, was appointed to carry them into effect, if possible. Why Mr. Owen should consider the absence of religious In- struction necessary to the welfare of mankind, we never could find out ; or why a scarcity of Christianity should be either naturally or necessa- rily connected with an abundance of beef and bread. We think Mr. Owen ought to look after a suitable supply of the latter-requisites of so- cial enjoyment, and leave the people to the quiet possession of the other also, at least till a better system be established.

ROYAL ARTILLERY CO3IPAHY.-By the command Of his Majesty, who is Captain-General, a new charter has been presented to this old and honourable corps. It was presented by the Duke of Sussex on Monday, in the Armory ; where the officers and his Royal Highness afterwards dined.