11 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 19

Hymns for the Church of England, with Proper Tunes. Edited

by C. Steggall, M.D., Cantab. (Longman ; Lamborn Cock.)—The hymns in this collection, though not numerous, are well chosen, and we believe it is found by experience that when there are a great many only a few are habitually sung. The editor has endeavoured to choose such as agree with the reverent and grave tone of Holy Scripture and the Prayer Book, and wo think that he has succeeded in doing so. Each hymn has its appropriate tune assigned to it, the intention being that the words and the music should become so associated that the one should suggest the other. The name of Dr. Steggall is a sufficient guarantee for the soundness of the harmonization ; ha has arranged for this collectiona great number of excellent German and English tunes and a good selection from Bach's chorales, and has introduced some fifteen or sixteen original compositions. Though with regard to hymn- books the cry is "Still they come," we think there is quite room for that which is the subject of this notice.