Lane - end in the Potteries has, we are sorry to announce,
been the scene of riot and bloodshed. A Chartist missionary having been taken into custody, while delivering a violent revolutionary discourse on Tuesday, a mob assembled on Wednesday morning to liberate him, and attacked the watchhouse, but were kept off by the Police and four- teen of the Yeomanry Cavalry. After patiently sustaining a shower of stones for hours, it was found necessary to fire and use the sword on the rioters ; and three persons were killed and forty wounded. Some of the mob returned the fire, but without doing serious mischief ; and on the next day, twenty-three persons who had been apprehended were examined at Trenthall, and sixteen were committed to Stafford Gaol on Thursday night. All seemed to be then quiet. The crowd was vari- ously estimated at front 5,000 to 10,000 persons.—courier. Reports were also circulated in town this morning that disturbances had occurred at Birmingham and Manchester ; but these rumours were without foundation.