11 MARCH 1843, Page 21


Tuesday, March 7.


R. and R. Oldershaw. Nottingham. mercers -Bayley and Co. Pendleton, stuff-priut. era-G. and J. Wilson, Liverpool, cart-owners-Wright and Co. Liverpool, merchants - Atkins and Co. Ironmonger Lane. merchants-Smith and Son, Manchester. coal- dealers-J. aud J. Fearnley, Halifax, Yorkshire, carpenters-Bower and Hanson, Kingston-upon-Hull. builders-W. and R. Glencroes, Bridgewater, drapers-R. and C. Robinson, Great Queen Street, coach-joiners-Comtes and James, Rochdale, surgeons -Westlake and Co. Exeter, grocers-Gladstone Brothers. Liverpool, ironfounders- Taylor and Co. Oldham. hat-manufacturers-Parkeu and Webster, New Boswell Court. attornies-Palmer and Tracy, Penton Street, Peutouville, lineudrapers- Quick and Frost, Fenchurch Street, whofesale coffee-dealers - Currie and Garthwaite. New castle-upon-Tyne, booksellers - Ladbrooke and Brownsmith. Northfieet, millers- Sharp and Co. Rochdale. uoolstaplers-Henderson and Veysey, St. George's, Glouces- tershire, manufacturing chemists-J. and J. Bedford, Dewsbury, shopkeepers-Harri- son and Brown, Wakefield. attornies-Marchant and Hooper. Westbury. Wiltshire, farmers-Aberdeen Town and County Banking Company ; as fares regards W. Young. rwsorxerse.

Cosa?, HENRY, Truro, Cornwall, arsenic-manufacturer, March 6.


Rhodes. Graresend. horse-jobber-Ai mstrong. Woolwich, boot-maker-Green, Fate Lane, baker-Cooke, Rochdale. barber-Yates, Bow, out of business-Green. Halifax, delver-Hilton. Creston, Lancashire, surgeon - Burgess, Manchester, retailer of beer- Pardv, Bury Street, Bloomsbury, keeper of a register-office for the recovery of lost dogs-Rogers, Strand, fishmonger-Galbraith. High Street, Fulham. surgeon- Dowding, Marlborough Place, Kennington Cross, miller-Mantell, Lewes. auctioneer -Howell. Liverpool, butcher-Armston, Bramcote, Nottinghamshire. painter-Slatter. Oxford. carpenter, -Peekos er, Keighley. beer-house-keeper-Thornton, Halifax. delver - Holden. Manchester, book-keeper - Donbavand Manchester, tea- dealer -Thom pson Mill Street, Dockhead, out of business-M•Dermott. Windsor. Lieutenant-Cope, Milton, Staffordshire. forgeman-Beville. Wells Street. Oxford Street, upholsterer- Stopforth, Warwick Street, Golden Square. engraver-Todd. Fore Street, Westminster.


Narrow, ALEXANDER, Edward Street. Portman Square, upholsterer.


Meant?, Taoists. Balderston, Lancashire, spadeonanufacturer, to surrender March 23. April 7: solicitors. Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn; Mr. Dodd, Preston ; and Messrs. Wilkinson and Kenyou. Blackburn; official assignee, Mr. Pott.

BARKER. GEORGE. Ratcliffe upon-Treut, blacksmith. March 20, April 10: solicitor, Mr. Bewley. Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham. BASELEY, DANIEL, High Street. Southwark, cheesemonger, March 17. Apri128: soli- citors, Messrs. Wire and Child, St. Swithin's Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.

BIKES, JOHN DIXON. Worksop, Nottinghamshire. innkeeper, March 22. April 24: solicitors, Mr. Johnson, Nottingham ; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Freeman. Leeds.

CHAMBERLAIN, ROBERT. Ipswich, shipowner, March 21. April 17: solicitors, Messrs. Raimoudi and Co. Gray', Inn; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. JAMFFON, HENRY ALEXANDER, North Shields, lineudraper, March 21, April 24: soli- citors, Messrs. Sole, Aldermenbury ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne. Jowes, WILLIAM, Laudkey, Devon.bire, lime-burner, March 20. April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Riecard and Son, South Melton; Mr. Whitaker, Gray's him; and Mr. Turner, Exeter; officiel assignee. Mr. Hernaman. Exeter. Krim SAMUEL, Sheffield. ironfounder, March 18, April 6: solicitor, Mr. Ryalls, Sheffield; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds. ENAPTON, Janes, and M'Kay. WILLIAM. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers, March 28, April 8; solicitor, Mr. Wavell, Halifax ; official assignee. Mr. Frame. Leeds. LONSDALE. HENRY, Sheffield. grocer. March 24, April 26: solicitors. Messrs. Smith and Hinds. Sheffield; and Mr. Cronbelm, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. MARSDEN, RICHARD, Halifax. woollen cloth.manufacturer. March 22, April 7: soli- citor, Mr. Mitchell, Halifax; official asssignee, Mr. Young. Leeds. PAPILLON, Prree JAMES, Leeds, wine-merchant, March 21, April 8: solicitors. Messrs. Baker and Rose, Mark Lane; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.

PARKINS CHARLES, Leeds, worsted spinner. March 24, April 24: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Freeman. Leeds. Some, THOMAS, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. slater, March 22, April 25: solicitors, Messrs. Bollard Co. Bow Churchyard; and Messrs. Dawson. aud Sou. Newcastle-upou-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne. THOMPSON, WILLIAM, Rawdon. Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer, March 15, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Baden Leeds; official assignee Mr. Young, Leeds. WAIKER, GEORGE, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker, March 27. April 26: sob. Chars, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; and Messrs. Carr and Jobbing, New- castle-upon-Tyue ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Neucastle-upon-Tyne, WHITLEY, WILLIAM. Liverpool. merchant, March 20, April 20; solicitors, Messrs. Knapper and Woolright, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.

YEATMAN, HENRY, Bear Laue. Blackfriars Road, vi :matter, March 16, April 25: so- licitors, Messrs. T. and G. Selby, Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager,

Birchin Lane. DIVIDENDS.

March 31, Jay, London Wall. builder-March 28, Clarke and Binges. Coal Ex- change, coal.factors-March 30, Cock, Bungay, grocer-March 30. Nunn and Liston, Wethug Street, Warehousemen-March 28. Kuuppel. Haymarket, hotel-keeper- March 29, Donaldson, Pall Mall, watchmaker-March 29, Kennett, Liucoln's Inn Fields, toothache curer-March 30, Elphick. Westham, Sussex. farmer-March 28, Wells, Mincing Lane. sugar-broker--March 30, Abbott, Throgmorton Street. stock- broker-March 30. H. and F. Rogers, Finch Lane, wine-merchants-March 28, M•Coy, Well Court, Queen Street. stationer-March 30. Charttou„ Regent Street, milliner- March 28, Gower, Church Row, Ahlgate, eoachmaker-May 1. Norfolk and Parker, Leeds. dyers-Marsh 31, Ellis, Nottiugham. brushmaker-Lindou, Marlborough,

torn-factor. CERTIFICATES

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.

April 4. Feuuell, Aldermanbury Postern. yarn-merchant-March 30, Fold, Alagate, draper-March 30, Hoene& Attlebridge, Norfolk. maltoer-March 30, Woods, New. gate Street, general hardwaremau-March 28. Hordeu, Lad Lane, laceman-April 1, Harris, Faversham, grocer-March 31. Bowler, Castle Lane, Southwark. comb-maker -March 31. Edlin, Brighton, hotel-keeper-April 3, Evans. Welshpoul, Shropshire, draper-April 6, Edge. Hawley. Shropshire, victualler-April 1, Carey, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer-March 30, Brown, Wolverhampton. grocer - March 31. W. H. and 'I'. B. Turner. Blackburn, cotton-spinners-March 29, M•Lean, Liverpool, merchant- April 4, Nicholson, Leeds banker.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before March 28.

Males, Southampton, woollendraper-James, Cheltenham, wiue-merchant-Mayer, Burslem, joiner-Ball, Kennington Cross coachtuaster-Elliston , Leamington Priors, music-seller-Knight, Ohl Bailey. printer-Baker, Birmingham. brass-cock maker - Reed, Newcastle upon Tyne. sail cloth manufacturer-Flack, Lambeth-street. White. chapel. licensed victualler-Harris. St. Alban's. grocer-Capon. New Bond Street. hatter -Lewis. Ebley. Glocestershire, wollencloth manufactnrer - Devey. Whitefriare. coal-merchant - Bagshaw, Manchester. cotton-manufaclurer-Coltherup, Rochester. dyer-Creed:lilt, Westgate. near Canterbury, maltster-Sor-bv. Sheffield, innkeeper- Stokes, Dudley, builder-Evans and Co. Barge Yard, East India merchauts -Laycoek, Leeds. cloth manufacturer-Clack Seek ford Street, Clerkenwell, baker, -Souter, Bir- mingham. iiipanner -Thompson. Croydon. nurseryman-Jennison, Manchester, vie- tuadler. -Riehmond. Cowley, Oxfordshire corn-dealer-Field, Beaumont Street. Mary. lebone. coach-meker. SCITTCII SEQUESTRATIONS. ADAM, J. Glasgow. japanner. March 13, April 13. BUCHANAN, D. T. Troon, ship-builder, March 13, April 1. MACKIE, W. Hamilton, innkeeper, March 14, April 4. REID, J. Glasgow. merchant, March 14, April 11. Se-emote, D. Glasgew, cabinet-maker, March 10, 31.

Friday, March 10.


W. Fickliug and Son. Bishopsgate Street Without, tailors-0. Stone, and CO. Rich' mood, Surrey, linendrapers; as far as regards J. Watts-G. Eastburn. and S. Kirk, Woodhouse Carr. near Leeds. stovers--II. K. Combes end It Ilobbs, Chichester, commou brewers-I. Harden and R. Foord, Borden. Kent, farmers -Fuller and Miller, Dorking. auctioneers-Fowler and Dasies. Liverpool, iron founders-R. Cooper aud C. Forbes. Belvidere Road. Lambeth. slaters -T. and G. Garnett, Batley, Yorkshire, cloth manufactiarers -W. II. Stuckey, Guildford Street. merchant, G. Rahn, Cresceut, Minories. broker-Seedmau and Canby. Kingston upon-Hull, seed mer- chants-S. and T. Hobley. Neithrop, Oxfordshire, builders- Leomhardt and Co. Green- wich, comb-manufacturers-Steads and French, Leeds, merehants-Berriman and Adams. Peckham Grove, brewers-H. P. and P. Nee, Cambridge Road, pawnbrokers -G. Hatton and Co. Warrington, Lancashire, tannera -J. Lymburn and Sons, Paisley,

silk merchants. INSOLVENT.

MASTERMAN. CHARLES STANLEY, Croydon, grocer, Mareh 10.


Ablett, Ossulston Street, Somers Town. attorney-Draper, Charley. farmer-Wright, Manchester, out of business-Fear, Ashton Place, Holloway Road. builder-Binns, Hudderseeld, wool sorter- Garside junior. Huddersfield. retailer of beer-Beddoes. Llandysilio, farnier-Chis'ohsl. Liverpool. hair-dresser -Marren. Canterbury , butcher- Stevens. Theobald's Road, butcher-Perkins, Nelson Square. solicitor-Sayer. Sey- mour Street, Elision Square, solicitor's clerk-Roby. Manchester out of business- Shields, Manchester, tailor - Edwards. Southampton Street, Pentouville, shopman to a cheesemonger. BANKRUPTS. Bonze Games, Witham, builder. to surrender March 17. April 21: solicitor. Mr. Digby, Malden; official assignee, Mr Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings. BUTLER, EDWARD, Basford. Nottinghamshire. iron-merchunt, March 21, April 25: solicitor. Mr. Stanton, Nottingham ; official assignee. Mr. Fearne, Leeds. CHETWYND, WILTIAM /JOHN, Elizabeth Place, Westminster Road, picture-dealer, March 21. April 28 : solicitor, Mr. Cross, Surrey Street ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson. Basingball Street. CLARK, HENRY, George Street, Mansiouhouse, lock-manufacturer, March 21, April 20: solicitor. Mr. Steel, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee. Mr. Pennell. CORP. NATHANIEL WEST, Yarmouth, merchant, March 17. April 26 : solicitors, Bartrum and Son. Bisliopsgate Street; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basinghall St. Cox, THDSIAS, Gloucester, plumber. March 20. April 21: solicitors. Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Burge's. Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Miller, Bristol. CARLE, EDWARD DE, Norwich, stonemason, March 24, April 26: solicitors. Mr. Shearman, Trinity Place, Charing Cross ; and Mr. Winter, Norwich; official assignee. Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. DAVIES, THOMAS. Grosvenor Street, draper, March 18, April 25: solicitor, Mr. James, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street, DICKSON, THOMAS, Thirsts. linendmper, March 31, April 26: solicitors, [Messrs. Smithson, York ; and Mr. Blamer, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Freeman, Leeds. GOODWIN, THOMAS. and GRIFFIN, WILLIAM HENRY, Heanor, Derbyshire, lime' burners. March 21, April 21 ; solicitors, Messrs.Parsons. Nottingham; officialassiguee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Hsu., EVAN, Narbeth. Pembrokeshire, draper. March 28, April 25: solicitor. Mr. Leman, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. HOLROYD, Gzostox and WALLER. JOSEPH. Sheffield.stone masons, March 23, April 25: solicitor. Mr. Bruomhead, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds, HVOHES. HENRY. and HUNTER, ‘Vir,ctios. St. Leonard's on-the-Sea, builders. March 21,April 21: solicitor. Mr. Cutler, Bell Yard, Doctors' Commons; official assiguee, Mr. Graham. Basiugliall Street. PETERS. JAMES, Merstham, Surrey coal-merchant March 24, April M: solicitor, Mr. Bey-au. Old Jewry; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. R,BSON, Gsonaz junior, Osbaldwick. Yorkshire, cattle-dealer, March 21, April 25; solicitor, Mr. Wood, York; official assignee. Mr. Hope. Leeds. SAUNDERSON. Joust. Cambridge. horse dealer, March 28. April 25: solicitors, Mr. Ravenscroft, Guilford Street. Russell Square•' and Mr. Cooper, Cambridge; official assignee. Mr. Edwards Frederick's Place, 01d Jewry. STARKS, FRANCIS and Gamuts, New Bond Street. furriers. March 17, April 19: soli- citor, Mr. Blackmore, St. Martin's Place; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall St. WILSHIN, ROM, Reading. draper, March 18. April Ed : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheap- side ; official assignee, Mr. Greeu. Aldermanhury.


March 31, Stainbank. Houiton, grocer- March 31, Olden, New Sarum, grocer - March 31, Datmit, Borough, hop-merchant -March 31, Demaisse aud Wooler. Buck- lersbury, merchants-March 31. Collett, London and Manchester warehouseman- April 3, Lingham, Cross Lane, St. Mary at -Hill, wine-merchant-April 4, Cloud, Hammersmith. coach-master-April 4, Boss, Frith Street, Soho, tailor-April 4. Evans and E' ton. Northumberland Street, navy agents-April 4. Gales and Co. Hylton. Dur- ham, ship builders-April 13, Crossfield, Liverpool, umber-merchant -April 3, Jones,

Nevin, Carnarvonshire, grocer. CERTIFICATES

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the diy of meeting.

April 4, Burn, St. Ileleu's Place, merchant -April 1, M•Phersou, Hatton Wall, oil- man-April 3. A. and J. Boone, Piccadilly, hatters-March 31, Clarke, Ache. Norfolk, apothecary-April 4, Boss. Frith Street, Soho, tailor--March 31, Bear. Ramsgate. draper-April 5, North, Mold Green, Huddersfield. fancy-cloth manufacturer-March 31. Gowen. hlorpeth, brewer-April 3, Power and Wallace, Liverpool, merchants- April 4, Rawlinsan, Laticaster, alum-manutlacturer-April 7. Ridsdale, Leeds. stuff- merchant-April 7. Collingwood, Stoke upon-Trent. maltster-April 7. Bond, Kings. wiuford, Staffordshire, wine-merchant-April 7, Webb, Litchfield, maltsaer -April 4. Ormerod, Manchester, wine-merchant-April 4. 011erenshaw, Manchester, hat-maker.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 31. Fox, Gresford, Denbighshire. iron-master - Walker. Manchester, corn-factor- Matthews, Pendleton. victualler-Harris. Birmingham, glass-manufacturer-Ellis, Mansfield. brush- maker-Holroyd. Wheatley, Yorkshire, cotton-warp-maker -Smith,

Bath, brewer-Fisher and Milner, Norwich, drapers-Hilton, Mauchester, cotton- manufncturer-Tay lor and Butterworth. Rochdale, painters-Scott, Tewkeabitry. inn.

keer-Jeffreye, Much Weolock. Shropshire, miller-Williamson, Salford. grocer- Antall. Bourne, Gloucestershire, umbrella-stick manufacturer - Johnson, Knares- borough, draper-Hartnell, Rodborough, Gloucestershire, carrier.


Beeler?, J. Duirlonald. inkeeper, March 15, April 5. Beowle, T. Dundonald. ship-master, March 15, April 5. Blume, J. Edinburgh, organ-builder. March 15, April 5.

CAIRNS, G. and J. Glasgow. graiu-merchants, March 15, April 5.

filawrzw, A. Arbroath, ironmouger. March 16, April 5.

The SHIRTS IRON COMPANY, Kirkiutilloch, Dumbartonshire, and PaTeason, J.

Glasgow. merchant, March 14, April 4.