11 JUNE 1910, Page 16


Sra,—The paper you are editor of attacks evil ; but are you sure that you and it do not support evil in some cases simply because if you did not you would do far more evil by going out of existence P Have you made sure that you and your family do not drink any cocoa that comes from San Thame P Perhaps you have. Do you never buy sweated goods, or goods that are made under bad conditions of labour? Of course you do. Therefore you are supporting an evil after speaking against evil. Does it follow that you are hypocrites P OE course it does not. We all must support some amount of evil or else cause a far greater. Mr. Cadbury cannot escape this rule any more than you can.—I am, Sir, &o., R. MEYNELL PEARSON.

Huts Corner, Hindh,ead, Surrey.

P.S.—A Tariff Reformer who preaches against our buying so much foreign stuff and then goes and buys it is not in- consistent. Cadburys' position with regard to the cocoa was similar. But it is refreshing to see you publish the attacks made against you.

[Messrs. Cadbury and Rowntree and the Daily News, as controlling proprietors of the Star, could escape our corre- spondent's rale very easily by the simple expedient of stopping incitements to betting in the Star.—En. Spectator.]