11 JUNE 1887, Page 24

MA0A2iNras AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for Jane

:—The Classical Review.—The English Illustrated Magazine.—The International Journal of the Medical Sciences.—The Expositor. —The Contemporary Pulpit—The Charchman.—The Church Review.—The Month.—The Congregational Soviets—The Christian Reformer.—The Poum.—The Homiletic Magazine.—The Sword and the Trowel.—Tbe Scottish Church.—The Homilist.—The Asclepiad.—The Journal of Education.—Science Gossip.—Tbe Mans Note.Book.—The Army and Navy Magazine.—Time.—Harper's Maga- rine.—The Century Magazine.—Lippincott's Magazine.—The Atlantic Montlay.—The Princeton Rea iew.—Tbe Indian ilagazine.—Chamberes Journal.—The Argosy.—Good Words.—The Quiver.—Cassell'e Maya. sine—The Leisure Hour.—The Sunday Magazine.--The Girl's Own Paper—The Boy's Oeon Paper.—St. Nicholas.—Harper's Young People. —Part 7 of A 'Becketes Comic Blackstone.—Part 13 of Leech's Pictures from Punch.—Part 8 of the History of Lancaster.—Le Pellet.