11 JUNE 1853, Page 10

The Duke of Genoa has deferred his departure for the

Continent until Tuesday next, in order that he may take leave of her Majesty at the drawingroom to be held on that day.

The King and Queen of Hanover are expected to arrive in London about the middle of next week. Their baggage has already arrived.

The premiums given by the Society of Arts for essays and inventions on various subjects connected with Science, Art, and Manufactures, were yesterday awarded, and presented to the fortunate candidates by Prince Albert, the President of the Society. The Marquis of Lansdowne proposed and Lord Colborne seconded a vote of thanks to the Prince for his conduct in the chair.

A great host of visitors, comprising the representatives of members of the Society of Arts, representatives of the Literary and Scientific Institutions in union with that body, and several Mayors, were carried down to the Crystal Palace at Sydenham yesterday, and conducted over the works ; in which great progress is reported.