11 JUNE 1831, Page 22


Theatres . . . col.I Dress. • B enefits . . . . . . 1 Miscellaneous . . 4 Charitable Institutions 1 SALRS ay AUCTION 5 Insurance Offices. . . 1 EsTaTaa, &e. To be Let Stearn Vessels. . . . 1 or Sold 5 dIrts and .nanufactures 2 Periodical Literature 5 The Toilet 2 General Literature . 5 Household Matters. 2 Music 9 ( 1 ) THEATRES. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE.

On Monday, June es, will be presented,

SIMPSON and CO. With The BRIGAND. And TURNING the TABLES. To conclude with (11,ADRUPEDO. On Tuesday, for the Benefit of Mr. A 1.ee, The Llia s ION of HONOUR. And The ILLUSTRIOUS STRANGER, With TURNINCS the TABLES. To conclude with MASANIELLO.



ISS INVERARITY liege leave to an- nounce tied her Bench t will tatie place on TUESDAY, the 21st June, MI, on which ocestrisin Mr. lilt ADAM has kindly con- sented to perlorm I lowthont, in the Opere ci UWE in a VILLAGE. Young Meedoes, Mr. WILSON; Rosetta, Miss INVERARITY, her first appearanee in that character. After which, u CONCERT, in which several distinguished Performers will appear. To conclude with a favourite Puree. Particulars will be duly announced. Ticket., Pieces, and l'rirate Boxes to be had of Miss Inverarity, 7, Buckingham Street, Strom! ; and at the Box (Mice, Hart Street.


R. SPAGNOLErn most respectfully

inf ems the Nobility. Gentry, and bin Frienda in general, that hie Annual Benefit Concert will take 'dace in the above Room on Tuesday Morning, the 5th of July, on which occasion the most eminent Performers will give their valuable moistanee. Full par- ticulars will lie Only announced. Tickets toe. 6d. each may be hod of Mr. SPAG NOLETTI, No.21, Brornmon Square; of Mr. Seguin at the King's Theatre ; and at the principal Music Shops. Appli- cations for }loxes are requested to be made to Mr. SPAGNOLETTL LECTURES.

TO-MORROW. SUNDAY, JUNE 12, the LECTURE. in ESSEX CHAPEL, at the conclusion of the Morning Service, as Announced by the Reverend Mr. MADGE, is intended to show, that the Language of Scripture having been proved Sri the preceding Lecture, to be decioive in favour of the Doctrine of the DIVINE UNITY, the FACTS of the Gospel Ilistury are as decideoly contrary to a different Doctrine.


RELIEF of PERSONS 1MPRISONF.D for SMALL DEBTS, t hroughout ENGLAND and WALES, Estublislied 1772, Paesimor—THE EARL OF ROMNEY.


Lord de Dunstanville I Sir Francis Burdett, Bart M.P.

Lord Kenyon I Charles Edward Pigott, Esq. Rite Rt. lion. Sir R. PeeLBLM.P. To,*ocaan-BF.NJAMIN BOND CABBELL, Esq. Atm:Tons-John Peres. Req. and Colin Mackenzie, Esq. At a MEETING of GOVERNORS, held in Craven Street, on Wednesday, the Find Day of June, 1831, the eases of no Pe- ttioners were tormidercsi, ot which 67 were approved, 14 rejected, 6 insultnissible, and It deferred for inquiry. Since the Merinos held 4111 of May, 179 debtors, of whom 134 Lad wives and 320 children, have been diselittrgesi from the Primes of England and Wales; the cayenne of whose liberation, including every charge connected with the Society, wee 4501. 2.0. 114. ; and the

following Bertelacihms received since the last . . Report.-

I. . s. d.

Mrs. Kenyon A 2 Mine Lacy Remaly ..A. 1 I 0

George Bunglers, Esq. A. 2 2 Edward Sfurkie, Esq. A. 3 3 0 Alderman Birch ......5 0 E. I' 1 0

H. Spencer Stanhope A. 1 0 Colonel Gibbs ...... 1 0 0 Slims. Stanhope ....A. I 0 D. Pennant, j tin. Esq.A. 2 2 0 Miss Weeks A 1 1 The Rev. W. Winthrop,

AL 010 F.sq ..A. 2 20 Mrs. Magennis A I 0 Mrs. E. M. per MOMS.

George Capron, Esq. Drummond and Co. A. 2 0 0

(Hackney Coach Fine) 0 10 Fad nab t, ditto ....A. 5 0 0 IL ?dittoed. Bort. ....A. 2 2 General Sir Aeguatine

Messrs. Veers and Co. A. 3 3 Fitzgerald. Bart. tin. A. 2 0 0

Rowland Jon., Egg., A. 2 0 Sir John Trevelyan,Bart. V. L. Donaldson, Esq.A. I I ditto A 1 1 0 F. Burton, Esq. ...... A. 2 2 Lady Trevelyan. do .A. 1 1 0 J. L. Anderdon, Esq. A. 3 2 W R. Toke. Esq. per Wm. Montville, Esq. , A. I I 5Iessre. Hoare It Co. A. 2 2 0

The Rev. J. Romitly A. t 1 D. Pennant, Esq. do. A. 3 3 0

Benefactions are rejoicedBenjaminBeetamBond Cabbell, Esq. tbe Treesurer. No. I, Brick Co i , Temple; also by . he following Bankers : -Messrs. Cocks, Dremmonds, lierries, Horn- arieraleys, Homes, Whitmore, N'eres; and by the Secretary, No. 7, Craven Street, Strnnd, where he Books may be neon by thnee who are inclined to support the Charity, and where the Society

meet on the first Wednesday in every ninth. J. LUNN. Sec.



DISTINCT TABLES FOR MALE AND FEMALE LIFE. The Directors have caused new Tables to he caleu clod, in which the relative Intl.en of the Lives of the two Sexes are at all ages dis- tinguished. In coneequenceoi this improvement, the younger Male Lives am insured at Pretniutns bet sw the ordinary rates ; the Fe- male Lives lower than any other Office. Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of 1001. to be re- ceived on the Death of a ...'‘c"-."

MALE. ---■ -..■---,

4 ;•,,t

FEMALE. Whole Lit SevenYearo. Whole Life. ,--..-,-....-......., Seven Year.

20 30 40 30 60 I. e. d. 1 6 3

1122 1174 2123 4711

L s. d. 2 2 6 2910 3 4 4 4124 6182 20 30 40 50 60 i. s. d.

1 5 0 1 8 9 1189 1 1/ 8

6 7 0

I. s. A.

1 15 1 2 8 2 2150 3150 5147 Prospectus, exhibiting this remareeble d stincuon at every age, may be obtained rut the Utiles of the Company. Life Assurance may be effected for North trod South America, for the Enat Indies, for any of the Britieb Colonies on Gerrisnne, fora continued or no especial Maritime Risk. for the whole ol LBO, or for the daration of any Military, Civil, or Diplomatic Duty.

Four-firths of the profits are divided nmong the Assured, Whether

at home or abroad. HENRY P. SMITH, Actuary.

STEAD! VESSELS. FOR ROTTERDAM, the new, powerful, and elegently fitted Netherlands Steam Ship, BATA VIER, o BOO tons burden. 200.hol se power, DAVID DUNLOP, Commander, Marts on SUIldAV, the 5th of June, at II o'Clock (and every following Sunday), for Rott Mom, Cologne, and oil places on the Rhine. Passengers ems book in London for Ny-mwegen. Dusseldorf, Co- logne, do., and premed up the Rhine, without tiny detention. A saving of 10 per cent, duty on al: goods shipped in thloVesseL Apply to Mr. Paxton, Southampton; Wm. Andrews, 19, South- ampton Street, Mancheeter; amain and Pim, Liverpool ; G. Lunell, Priem); and F. F. Gibbe, 19, Wnter Lane, Tower Street, of whom Ticket, for the Season (not transfernble) maybe obtnined Jar the slum of Ten Period.,, entitling the Person whohnlds theatre's to a Pasenge to or from London or Rotterdam, on permit Five Shillings end) way to the Captain sn Core the tarty takes is Bed. Gentleman'. or Lady's Cabin mast be pmvieusly engaged at tba Office, No. 19, Water Lane, Tower Bloat ( 2 ) Steam Vessels—Continued. DINBURGH STEAM SHIP. — The t•NrrEn KINGDOM, of 1000 tons Burden and e00 Horse-

Power, I). TCRNER, Commander, will start from off Greenwich for Edinburgh, at 10 o'clock p. m., on the following days :- Saturday, 35th June. I day, 6th July. Wednesilev, 15th June. Wednes

Calling off Scarborough, weather permitting. Goods and Parcels reecived at the Spread Foote Ofhee, Regent Circus, Piccadilly; ('rose Kess, Grasechurch Street, nail Down's allied; till Four o'clock of the dsty of sailing. Berth, may be taken, a plan of the Cabins seen, and every molter insinuation obtained, by applica- tion to II. Underwood; 56, Haymarket ; S mend Eagle Oilier, Regent Cirs-u, Piecadilly ; W. A. Conmeham, 8, St. Eagle Lone; or Georo Bell, Agent, 157. Fenchurell Sir ei. NAL This Vessel is now medh mil re, ed in her Machinery and Cabins, the Deck being completely covered m, lip which most supe- rior accommodation is sillorded to Pesoenecrs in sixteen State Ronnie ef teen anti fnur beds each, in Ladies' Cuisine on the Upper Deck. and iiiSO in the Fore Cabins.

. _ _

ARTS AND 1YLANUFACTURES. SHADOVITLESS LAMPS on the most im- proved prineiples.—E. BROOKE begs to intbrm his Friends and the Public, that lie has on SALE, at his Warehouse, 1, Creed Lane, Ludgate Street, near St. Paul's, u handsome assortment of LAMPS, sin reasettable terms, for the ime ef ning-rnoins, drawing- roomo, hulls, staircases, and every place rollers a brilliant tight is required. Also Coach and Carriage lamp m s. Laps let n hire for halls, routs, illuminations, Ac., and cleaned, repaired, fresh bronzed, tuckered, and altered to the present lionion; 1111li having made large purchasee in Sperm Oil. be is selling the satne at seep low prices, imperial meueure. N.B. Remember, No. I, Creed Lane.



The Patentee submits the eillowing Tedimonials of the charac- ter and value of his Invention, eonsiderins that its merits will be more clearly understood, and better appreciated by them, than by any descriptive statement Senior Iti make. EX1 RACT FROM THE accoirr OF TIIE ROYAL iNsTrrurc OF FRANCE. "This lamp is remarkable for BA siniplic;ty of construction ; for the ingenious disposition of he various ports ; for its cleanliness; for its being easily trimmed, und transportert from place to place without derengement." "Sitting of 27th September, 1830. (Signol) " ARAGO.


" I am happy to inform you that your lamps have been com- pletely eurvessfel in every respect, and you have my authority her recontmending theta no the best and cheapest mode of lighting rooms in India. (Signed) "W. BENTINCK." Its exbibition at the Meetings of the 'Rend Institution oh Great Britain. ie reported in c ilisiie Journals in terms of hish com- mendation ; and Imlay of the tiro suientific and most distinguished persone give it a he sanction of the.r decided approval. 12, Argyll Place. Regent Street,

and 26, Cornhill.



very necessary piece of Furniture, is the ingenious in- vention of Mr. DAWS, et' 17, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, for the comfort and ease of numenme elms:es of Invalids as well as for the Aged, the Studimo the Sedentary, nail Ladies, who foam their peculiar situntion require frequent repose. His bee Majesty ndopted it and spoke in high terms of commendation of it, admitting the great relief of occasional chauge. The great satisfaction it has given, and the recommendations of it in set end scientific works, have induced some unprincipled upholsterert to sell an imitation of it, which we find, honor admitting the nice alteration of the B ack, Sic., does not afford the SWIM extent of ease and comfort as the original; we therefore strivise the obtaining it of Mr. Daws."—. Da llexcia's Medical Annual pr 1831.

Some are ndmirably portable.

ACertain! ( UltE tar COSTWENESS and INDIGESTION. or any Disease produced in canompience of these, will be found in tine occasional UM of the Neolyonvented Self-Acting Appenitus for Lavetnems. or Medicated Injections, which einsersedes the necessity of linking Medicine, the habitual ascot which weaken* the Stomach.

This invaluable Remedy has been lately introduced into practice by Mr. E.JOKES. Surgeon, the inoenions inventor of the Stomach Pomp. and Author of a Work on Indigestion and Costiveness. Peblished by Simpkin end Mershon, Price 5s. ; the perusal of whieb we recommend. The above Apparatus is sold by T. Har- court, 12, Carlton Street, Two Doors from Regent Street, Waterloo

P ince. Prise It .6d. or if fitted in cases for other medical purposes,- from One to Two Guineas.



St l• The extraordinary circulation of the above article, and its very general ndontion by the first ranks of Fashion nt the Toilette and in the Drawing R orn, have stimulabsd the Proprietors man endeavour to render it, in delicam of ment anti frig-ranee, equal, if not flattener, to soy description of Perfume for the Ilendkerchief. It is distilled rom combination of Flowers, selected for th hr ex- celling sweetness used eromatie properties, when those Flowers are in their fullest vigoun—Manulactured and Sold by RIGOR. BROCKBANK," and RIGGE, Peiflimers to his Majesty, 35, NEW BOND STREET, in Bottles of IS,., 8s , 5s., and 3s. 64. The PERSIAN BOUQUET ts also recommended to the Notice of the Nobility and Gentry, rut a pleasing, very powerful, and durable Perfume.

R°"'LAND'S KALYDOR.—Its soothinff, rooting, and ameliorative properties, immediately allay the smut int; iletability of 'Peskin—assuage infintnmation—heal harsh and remelt skin—remove cueaneous eruptions, end oroduce Belu- tile! Complexiou—atford soothing relief to Ladiee nursing their offspring. To Gentlemen after Shaving, it nilays the Smarting Pain, and renders the Skin smooth and pleasant. Each Genuine Bottle has the Narne and Addrees engraved tin the Government Stamp, which is posted on the Pottle-- A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden." Price 40. Ike and fit 6d. per Bottle. ROWLAND'S ALSANA EXTRACT, tor the Tooth-Aeh. Price Es. 04.10. fol. mad 10s. 64. per Bottle.

The above Articles are Sold by the Sole Proprietors, A. ROW- LAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden.

FOX'S VEGETABLE CREAM. Eetablished 1805.-JOHN FOX, Original Inventor and Sole Pronrieter of the TEC STABLE CREAM. for promoting beautiful and luxuriant 11AIR, feels imrel atively called upon to caution the D OMPrOlIS Patrons of his invention evilest nefenons prenamlians aired to the credulous 110 specifics for the Hair, uhich cannot fail to injure what tbey prefend to nmeliomte. He begs to remind the Pablo:, that the only Genuine has always borne the name of "FOX'S VEGETABLE CREASI," guaranteed by his eignature and address, 70 (tram 456), Strand. Its effects are ineontestible evidence of its Memo to the character it hen long enjoyed. Sold (in bottles. 8s 64. and ys. each) by him on above; nnd by most respectable Wholesale Perfumem in London, and Retail Perfumers in the country.-N.B. All without his signature and address, 70, ((mom 450), Sirand, on the label, are mom impositions. No con- nexion with any other house of the same name.



U C K. KENT, and C U NI I N G,

CARPENTER'S HAI.L, London Wall, and 210. Regent Street, beg reseeettell• to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that their New and Elegant Patton us for theSpring trade,consisting of Hovel Vole I, Cut Pile, Brussels, Venetian, Kidderminster, and other 'Carpeting, are now ready ler inspection.

: L K. soul Co. hope, by selling no article but of the very best quality, to merit n continuance 01 that patronage which thee have 1 ea long moot N.B. A twee Stock of Turkey Carpets and Floor Cloths are constantly on Show at their Establiehmenta.

( 3 ) Household Matters—Continued



Strong Breakfast Congou reduced BOW per lb. 3s. 10d. to 25,44, Fine Preaklust Semitone ........ 4 4 - 4 2 Fine Berhiee Coffee, of Superior Strength and Flavour It 4d. Goods delivered in every part of London and the Neighbourhood. N.B. Roche Coffee, the finest Imported, 2s, per lb.


T SC El WEPPE and Co's. SODA WATER, • 79, Margatet Street, Cavendish Sottare. Where also may he hod the f Bowie.", Mineral and Artificial Waters, viz.; Sodus, Double, and Treble; Kelt, Rochelle, and Aerated Magnesia; Arti- ficial Seltzer, Spa, Pyruentt, and Seidliis ; Chellenimm, Horner- gate, and Bristol II ot-e ell Waters, fresh mom the Sp iugs. !no porters of Get limn Seltzer, in Q mat and Pint Books.

(i ILEA I.' it( )SliW001.), M N.1 IOGANY, FRENCH, COTTAGE, and BED Et sin! CHAIRS, Thirty Dozen, always ready for inspection; Emmen, Fasy Chairs and Sofirs, Sets of Card, Salt. and Lou Tablos, and Cabalists to match. Dining 'rubles of all Sizes, Sideboards, SOVOII Winged and other Wardnibes, Drawers, Work Tables, Ten Poys, Sc.; all umnulac- turel on the pretnises, and wammted tor years, it It. WA L. KING- TON'S. 214, High llolborn, opposite Southampton Street, Blooms- bury Squore.




J. F. ISIIF.IIWOOD respectfully solicits the uotice of the Nobi- lity nod Gentry to the very reduced prices of the undermentioned articles, viz.

Dimensions and Prices of British Plate Glass, Silvered.

I. a. d. I a. d. 30 by 22 3 8 6 1 50 by 48 15 7 4 40 by 32 5 16 0 50 by 48 20 3 0 48 by 42 11 15 6 70 by 48 25 7 8 50 liy 36 10 0 2 100 by 65 67 13 9 A splendid snook of Double Gi t Frames of the newest Patterns always kept ready. Enriched Gilt Window Cornices, at .5s. per foot, Gilt Pier Tables, with marble slabs, at 61. melt. per yard. per yerd. Bed-rnom Paper Os 314. Mmble for Halls es. ed.

Sitting-room do 0 4 Elegant Gold Peens— 1 6 GIIIZ111 diO0 0 6 Crimson Flocks, So.... 1 6 Dr:ming-mom do.. 0 9 P.m niers and Paper-bangers cent to all ',nets of the kingdom, free of expense; and e$thautes peen for every description of house deco- rations.



I_ worn Inc her MA TESTY at Ascot I lenth, as spoken of in the Journals, was the NEW BERLIN BONNET, manufactured by PALIN, 59, I lolliorn MU, facing Ely Place.


ARGYLL Corner of AG STREET, OXFORD STREET, respect- fully annoence to the Nobility and Gentry they have just imported from Modem on entire new Plait, manufactured expressly for this Estublishment ; the above may be seen made up, in new and ele- gant Shares. Also an extensive and superior steel: of Tuscan, Straw, Leghorn, and Silk Bonnets, Enney Straws ditto; and an elegunt assortment of Fie-Ilion:1Mo Millinery. No Connexion with one other House.



,15. New Bond Street, next Door to Long's Hotel, re:Teets fully submit tbeir Prices for the very best goods that can be mo- del ed. A Saxony Black or Blue Dress Cant, 81. las. eirk Olive ditto, 31. 50. A StmonY Black Frock, Silk Lining. 4L 4$. Olive ditto, 8f. Ills. Saxony Keroevmere Trousers, Black or Blue, If. I4s. Drab or Mixed Ditto, IL 10s. Waistcoats, 150. LiVetiCA, 41. 4, Naval Uniforms, Ac. SMITI I and WEBER, Tailors, 15, Nev. Bend Street


M1 R S. C 0 X II E A D most respectffilly 1 acquaints the Nobility, Gentry, and her Friends, thnt eh& has REMOVED her extensive Stock of Lace and Blonds, Scotch, French, and Moravian Embroideries, Luce, Blond, and Galan Sleeves. Om from the elsove EstabUshment to No. VB, REGENT STREET, the end merest to Portland Place. where she hopes still to enjoy n continuanse of the kind and liberal patronage Ole bas received for the Ian fifteen years in the Soho Bazaar. The increase of Mrs. Coallead's business in Regent Street, and a con- siderable doe inc in the Ba z tstr, bare induced her to relinquish the very heavy expense atiendent on the latter situntion, nith a confident hope that the connexion she Ilan obtained from her own personal exertions may he secured to her by keeping an extensive and almost ineteldent nook of the above Goods for their inseection DUGt;IN'S Patent Ventilating BEAVER HATS ere twknowledged to be the best kind of Hots ever rnelui;.evlq":11.7t:Vareleoe WaVe",nsY,dicIrtleiTo ‘,4nste‘t.he; egreos of perepiration, which has been no much the complaint of waterproof hilts, often producing, bead-ache and the 1 so of hair. Price 210. and 26s. Drab and Brown Hats at the same Price. Super- fine Waterproof Beaver Hats, 151. Also, the very best light Silk Hots, let. DUGGIN and Co. manufacturers. 80. Newgole Strset, be New Post Office.

AMES' INDIA - RUBBER WATER- PROOF ROOTS and SHOES, with SOLES and LININGS. This useful article having given such genern1 satisfnetion, and the demand for them continuing to increase, as C. PAGE is the only Maker of Ladies' India-Rubber Boots and Shoes, he begs to no- form the Nobility and Gentry lie Inns removed from No. 9 to No. 6, Carlton Street, 'Regent Street, Waterloo Place. N.B. Ladies re- siding in the Country can have them made by sending a pattern Boot or Shoe.

FANCY WORKS of every Description.— J GOITO begat leave most Respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentroand Politic, that he still continues to manufacture that superior article of FINE BRAID. for which he alone stands distineuished, for Platting Chains in Imitation of Hair. Also the superior Gold. Silver. and Silk Braids for Turkish Bags, Ottomans. Ste.; Designs drawn on Velvet, Satin, Silk, bterino, Cloth. and Canvas, A large essortment of Berlin Patterns, Works of all kinds finished and unfinished, an extensive assortment ot Ingrain, Netting, and other Silks, of all shadesend Aims, at J. GOTTO'S Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Warehouse, Dress and Furniture Trimming Manufactory, 202, Regent Street, nearly opposite Conduit Street.

HE SUPERB BOOT, made bv W.

BARRIERE, 29, Burlington Arcade. -The elegance and durability of this article surpass everything of the kind vet pro- duced. W. B. from tome experience in the most eminent establish- ments. has acquired a thorough and perfect knowledge of the most fashionable nod respectable trade, and confidently insure. Gentle- men that be is making Boots for Set equal, it not stiperior, to those charged by other Houses 50s. Purchasing excluOvely for cash, and mentifacturing upon hie own premises. he has etweeeded no awns bitting elegance, durability, and economy. W. Barrier°, 22, Bum lington Arcade, next door to Tmefitt's Cutting Rooms.


RHEUMATISM speedily and effectually removed. Mr.CULVERWELL, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, begs the attention of Invalids, labouring under the several varieties of Rheumatic. Chronic, and other mantel com- plaints, to his SHAMPOOING. MEDICATED VAPOUR, and WARM BATHS, the celebrity of which renders more than this an- nouncement enneeesenry-altito to his SULPHUR FUMIGATING. HARBOGATE, and BAltEGE BATHS, of ouch poe erful efficacy in erallivoing nil cutaneous affections. Mr.C.'s Treatise on Bitching is puhlished. Price is. ed. and may be had at the Delis, where he is dolly in attendance-FOUNDERS' COURT. LOTHBURY. back of the Bank.