11 JULY 1952, Page 21


Doctors of Divinity

Snt—Only ignorance can excuse Mr. Ross Williamson's unfairness in calling Lambeth degrees " bogus." if he were familiar with our Oxford Statutes he would know that the technical requirements of candidates for the D.D. are such as to exclude a number of persons otherwise well qualified on grounds of learning. From personal know- ledge I can testify to the scrupulous care with which the Archbishop of Canterbury considers any such cases submitted to him, takes counsel with those best qualified to judge, and is concerned to main- tain the standard of the degree. My respect for Lambeth degrees is equal to my scorn for those bogus degrees which Janus rightly delights to pillory.

. Nor do I think that Mr. Ross Williamson's further warning of the danger of theological issues being determined by illiterate bishops need make our flesh creep. Whatever other people may think, Bishops themselves are under no illusions about the significance of scarlet robes. Again from personal knowledge I can testify to the humility with which they seek the advice of professional theologians when called upon to exercise jurisdiction in matters involving questions of theology. Mr. Ross Williamson has managed to include two mares' nests in one letter.—Yours very truly,