Russia, as we learn on the authority of a provincial
contempo- rary, already shows signs of a disposition to reciprocate the com- mercial liberality of England. Meanwhile, the Autocrat is threat- ened with formidable domestic business—in some respects more . formidable than any which he has encountered. The tale is very obscure, but the main facts seem to be these. The Russo- Greek Church is pursuing a course of proselytism in the mixed provinces, and aiding its religious missions with harsh temporal compulsions. A deputation from the provinces of Courland, Esthonia, and Livonia, waited on the Emperor to remonstrate, and did so with unusual freedom of speech. He not only was indiscreet enough to retaliate, but charged the remonstrant pro- . vinces with want of loyalty. He was obliged to ask a liberal construction of his words ; for he betrayed incompetency in ..speaking German, the native language of the deputation. Alto- gether, the interview could not have been favourable to the aspect and authority of the alien Autocrat.