11 JANUARY 1930, Page 36


Once again the leading Insurance companies show a further great increase in business for the past year. Space prevents my commenting upon the returns in detail, but it may be noted that the Atlas Assurance Company records an increase in business of about £300,000 at about £8,800,000 apart from capital redemption policies. The directors of the Prudential announce that the net sums assured written in the Ordinary branch during the 'year exceeded £17,600,000, an increase of about £200,000 over the previous year. The London Life Association established- a fresh high record with new life policies for £2,927,608, while the National Mutual Life Assur- ance Society of London reports new business of £1,080,375 gross and £862,635 after deducting reassurances. Bonus rates arc maintained at the same level as in the previous year, and a special " Centenary. Bonus " is contemplated to be distributed to all with-profit policies affected before January 1st, 1929. The. National Mutual of Australasia announce new business of £9,868,000 against £9,808,000 for the previous year. In the case,cif the Pearl Assurance Company, the new business in the Ordinary section was £11,652,887, compared with £12,080,366 in the previous year. In the ease of the Legal and General Assurance there was also a record of new business, the net sums assured for the year being £7,881,150 against £7,446,900 in 1928. The Refuge Assurance Company state that the net new assurances effected in the Ordinary branch amounted to £6,479,796, as compared with £6,377,442 in the previous year. A. W. K.