Reuter's agents do their work very clumsily. Contrary to public
expectation, the Bills for the control of the Churches have been brought into the Prussian Diet, and are three in number. They refer to "change of creed, preliminary training of the clergy, their appointments in the Church, the power of the Church in matters of discipline, and the establishment of a supreme judicial tribunal for ecclesiastical cases ;" but Reuter gives no hint of their general drift, though he gives a summary of the speech in which the Minister of Public Worship called them necessary measures against Rome. We presume, from the reference to a judicial tribunal, that all creeds are to be subjected to a lay body, which may resemble closely our own Judicial Committee of Privy Council, and which will settle whether any cleric is unjustly punished by his superiors. Rome will not submit to a law so completely at variance with her theories, and the attempt will greatly envenom the contest.