11 JANUARY 1845, Page 18


from January &I to /memory 955.


Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, First Earl of Mahnesbsery; containing an Account of his Missions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Second, and the Hague; and of his Special Mis- sions to Berlin Brunswick, and the French Republic. Edited by his Grandson, the Third Earl. Volumes ELL and IV. Valentine 3fClutchy, the Irish Agent; or Chronicles of the Castle Cumber

Property.. By William Carleton, Author of "Traits and. Stories of AA Irish Peasantry," 8m. In three volumes.

History of the Reformation in Germany. By Leopold Ranke. Translated by Sarah Austin. In two volumes. The Dispatches of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Comm tries, and France. Compiled from Official and other Authentic Docu- ments, by Colonel Gurwood, C.B., K.C.T.S., Esc. Volume the fifth. The Crescent and the Cross; or Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. By Eliot Warburton, Esq. In two volumes. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. BY Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Commander of the Expedition, Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. In five volumes, and an Atlas. Volume I.

Essays on Christian Union.

The Natural History of Animals; being the substance of Three Courses of Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By Thomas Rymer Jones, F.R .S., E.Z.S., Professor of Comparative Anatomy in King's College, London, Sm. With one hundred and five illustrations. Volume I.

[This work originated in a series of lectures delivered during three successive years at the Royal Institution; and the composition tastes occasionally of the- popular lecture, where attention must be kept alive by little pleasantries of man- ner and arts of treatment, not absolutely necessary to the exposition of the sub. ject. The work adopts the most modern classification ; beginning with the Sponges, (which seem neither animal nor vegetable, yet can be called both,) in order to illustrate the slow approach from vegetable to sentient life. It then pro- ceeds to the whole of the division called Acrita, because their nervous system is not distinguished by our senses; next, to the Nematoneura or thread-nerved; and then to the Homcq.s,angliata, or creatures possessing " numerous brains or nervous

n ganglia arranged i two parallel series"; in the middle of which class the volume closes. The completion of this division, and the exhibition of the Mollusca and the four classes of Vertebrata, will be contained in other volumes.

The pleasant professional manner we have alluded to as occasionally visible in the work, gives It a character, but does not detract from its clearness and agree- able style. On the contrary, it would add to it, were it not for the idea of man nerism which it suggests.* It is, however, ungracious to notice this, in a work distinguished by the great merits of orderly arrangement, im impressive selection of the most essential facts, and a very lucid and attractive exposition of them. The volume is excellently illustrated by cuts.]

On the Remedial Influence of Oxygen or Vital Air, Nitrous Oxycle, and other Gases, Electricity and Galvanism, in restoring the healthy func- tions of the principal organs of the body, and the Nerves supplyine. the Respiratory, Digestive, and Muscular Systems. By J. Evans Eldora, F.L.S., &c.

[Another publication designed to show the importance of inspiring in the cure of certain or all disorders. Dr. Riadore's book, however, differs from some we have lately had under our notice, in this—they only proposed the inhalation of medi- cated vapour: Dr. Riadore recommends gases; grounding part of his views on the discoveries of Liebig, and adding galvanism and electricity to inspiration as a means of cure. The style of the bookie not good.] Roelenhurst ; or the Church and the Manor. By E. M. S. In three volumes.

[Rodenhurst is the name of an estate which has been kept from its rightful heiress, Sybil Mandeville, the heroine of the tale, by her wicked uncle Sir Andrew Luntley—a wealthy, avaricious, and unscrupulous City merchant. The story opens soon after the defeat of the Pretender; and the strife of pm•ty embitters the animosity between the purse-proud cit, who is a follower of the Whig Ministry, and his aristocratic and Tory neighbours the Drayeot family, who espouse the claims of his niece. Sybil establishes her right to the possession of Rodenhurst by the accidental discovery in a ruined tomb of a silver casket containing the marriage-certificate of her mother—the only link wanting in the chain of evi- dence. Sir Andrew is proved to have murdered her father; and to escape _the hangman's hands he takes poison. The style of this novel is fluent, and not in- elegant; and the descriptions, though minute, are clear: but tile narrafivemalms slow progress, the incidents have a melodramatic air' and the characters are painted with party colouring. The Whigs arc all base., the Tories all virtuous and noble; and all the evils of the country are ascribed to Whiggery and Dissent.]

Life at Full Length; or Men and Things as they are, as they are not, and as they onght to be; consisting of Comical Fictions and Facts Undis- guised. By Mark Merrivone. In three volumes. [Life at Full Length is an attempt to imitate the broad humorous novel of the old school; but with indifferent success. Caricature both in language and inci dent is substituted for genuine humour. There is a shorter tale in the third volume, descriptive of an impudent Irish youth's adventures, principally as a player, till his career terminates by transportation. There is perhaps an &Rai amount of exaggeration here; but it looks more natural than in describing parish squabbles, the foibles of retired tradesmen, or the unprincipled practices of needy members of the aristocracy.]

The Conduct of Life; a Series of Essays. By George Long, Barrister-at- law, Author of " An Essay on the Moral Nature of -Man."

[ Seven essays on the conduct of life in its various phases—domestic, contemplative, active, moral, and religious; which by subdivisions are extended to something him fifty topics. The views are sound, rational, and indicate a juste milieu feeling, ' neither too lax nor too rigid: the style is plain; and the subjects, coming home to men's business and bosoms, impart interest to the book. But there is nothing very original in the matter or forcible in the style.] The Theogony of the Hindoos, with their Systems of Philosophy and Cos mogony ; an Essay. By Count M. Bjornstjerna, Author of The British Empire in the East." [A translation from the Swedish of Count Bjiirnstjerria's elaborate but condensed view of the Hindoo theology and scientific systems, with some additions.] Napoleon; an Epic Poem, in twelve cantos. By William Richard Harris. [The binding of this quarto is magnificent, and the typography elegant; but the epic poem very so-so. In fact, it is not an epic even in structure, but a poem rhetorical blank verse, about Wellington, Napoleon, Europe, and the last war.] The Night-Watch; an Argument. By Richard Trott Fisher. [A philosophical and theological poem, on the subject of the solar system, with references to the fixed stars; from which the existence of a deity is de-

duced. There is no novelty of matter or of view; both are familiar to every reader, of Herschel's discoveries and nebular hypothesis. The blank verse is well enough, but has no striking character; and perhaps it suffers by comparison with the elo- quent prose in which the subject has been expounded.]

Angel Visits; Poems. By Miss Anna Savage. [A collection of poems, chiefly miscellaneous. The volume is of very elegant appearance; and the poetry is fluent and pretty, though rather like Annual verses.]

Remarks on the Fable of the Bees. By William Law ILA, &e. With an Introduction by the Reverend F. D. Maurice, RI , &c. With an .A.r. pendia' , containing the poem of the Fable of the Bees, Mandevillda Intro- duction and Treatise on the Origin of Morality. [A reprint of so much of Mandeville's once celebrated work, designed to the utility of vice, as is -necessary to appreciate "Serious Call" Law's re y: to

it; which may be read as an of neatness in style, and the sweet in controversy, by those who may not-feel-an interest in the.original argu- ment. The Reverend F. D. Maurice has repainted these two tracts, at the desire of a now deceased connexion; and has added a preface, patting the controversy on its right grounds as regards both Mandeville and Law, and digressing to a va riety of other topics.] - The State of Nations, Past and Present : One Thousand Questions and Answers selected from Modem History. By P. A. Beddome.

[It is a bold idea to cram something like universal history into a small volume of but 250.pages, by culling fromvanons sources striking facts of history, way often hi the powerful language of the original writers. For purposes of really teaching Anything efficiently, such a plan we conceive worse than useless. In many cases, as IR the very first paragraph of this volume, the allusions cannot be understood but by a person well versed in history. From the curt method of necessity adopted where style is regarded as well as facts, chronology is jumbled togs thee in a way that would greatly mislead: as, in the same first paragraph, the events of different centuries are mixed up without the slightest indication of the tine time of occurrence; in another, Julius Caesar is made to appear of the "same period" as Aurelian. The book strikes us as fitter to refresh a person read in history than to teach any one history.] : Historical and Miscellaneous Questions. By Richmal Mangnall.. A new edition, illustrated with twenty-six maps and sixty-four engravings, and considerably augmented and unproved. By W. Pmnock, Author of the Improved Editions of "Goldsmith's Greece, &c.

[Here is Hangnail improved by ageneral outline of ancient geography and his- tory, some new matter on ecclesiastical affairs, a continuation of modem his- tory to the present time, and an epitome of the elements of astronomy. New questions for examination have also been appended to each chapter, in addition to the leading or moving questions that set the text agoing ; and the book is illus- trated by many useful maps and striking wood-cuts. It is now positively crammed with facts, and knowledge deduced from them: our fear in all these kind of books is, that they lead to a cramming system of teaching. This work, however, is very superior in the order and arrangement of its facts to the State of Nations : our remark applies to the immense number of things presented to the mind.] The Preparatory Latin Book; or Fasy Steps to Latin Construing. By the Reverend George H. Stoddart, AM., Queen's College, Oxford. [This little book is planned upon the good principle of adapting the lessons to the juvenile mind, by using, as much as may be, words with the original of which the learner is Wailiar,—as a rose,a brother. It is further carried out by taking words that are almost identical in Latin and English, as tigris, a

The lessons consist of a vocabulary of substantives adjectives, and verbs, which are. to be committed to memory and inflected after the models in the grammar. When the pupil has been exercised in this way till be has learned the conjuga- tions of the active verbs, he proceeds to construe simple sentences; gradually pro- ems:ling to compound sentences and paragraphs. One objection may suggest itself to this plan—that the pupil is rather exercised in English idioms than in Latin; his real progress being limited to a vocabulary of words and a readiness in inflections. These, however, are great objects, and all that can be well at- tained by little boys. The book is intended to be used when the pupil has learned the-active verbs; but he might begin the first part as soon as he has mastered the declensions of substantives.]

The Antidei; a Tragedy, in five acts.

"'Pater Unser"- a Tale for Children, illustrative of the Lord's Prayer. 7 Translated freely from the German, by a Lady.


The Domestic Bade. By the Reverend Ingram Cobbin, M.A. Nos.L to ILL [fiseatly-printed Bible, with illustrative cuts, explanatory notes, and reflections; itspecuhanty consisting in the marking of certain that may be omitte in family reading and the appending of questions for examination at the end of each ehapter.]


. The Horticultural Magazine, and the Gardener and Practical Florist. The • Illustrations by G. W. Prior. Part L [The-novelty of this periodical appears to consist in the incorporation of the two separate ones whose names form its title. It is cheep, and illustrated with cuts.]


- Ecclesiastical Architecture : Decorated Windows. A Series of Illustrations - - of the Rise and Progress of Decorated Window-Tracery in England.

— Edited, with Descriptions, by. Edmund Shar'pe, MA., Architect. Part I. [The object of tlais neat piablicataon is to exemplify the progress of window-tracery an ehureb architecture. The examples selected are choice and varied, and may serve as models for imitation by modern architects; being all more or less beau- tiful in proportion and design. The plates are nicely engraved.]

The Pictorial Sunday-Book. By John Kitto, D.D., Editor of the "Pictorial Bible."

[Aseurse of Sunday reading, explanatory of the facts of Scripture; illustrating the customs ef the Egyptians, Jews, and Romans, by pictures of their dresses, dwellings, implements, and the geography, natural productions, and scenery of the Holy Land. The cuts are the same as those in the Pictorial Bible; and these, together with the text, give the substance of Calmet and other writers who have elucidated Biblical history in a continuous and popular form. It is an admirable book for fixing the attention of the young on Scripture subjects.] Tie Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire Part III. [Contains views of Rievaulx and Roche Abbeys, and of Howden Church—a fine example of perpendicular English architecture: the East end, with its lofty win- dow of elegant proportions, surrounded with canopied niches delicately carved, is magnificent—even in ruin. he lithographic copies of Mr. William Richard.son's drawings, by Mr. George Hawkins, are at once neat and free, elaborate and effective in the architectural parts; but the landscape and foliage are heavy and monotonous.] The Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature. Volume IL Birds, Reptiles, . Molluscs, Insects. [Completes this picture-book of the Animal Kingdom; which includes fossil and caOinct as well as living species, and goes thorn to the lowest link in the scale of aniMated beings, the Zoophytes. The system of Ouvier is followed, with some modifications an the lower forms, such as the sponges, pol, corals, and infusoria. The letterpress is perhaps too scientific for general reng; but the cuts here A i Aim the visible text, as n nature we study the creatures themselves; and the descriptions serve as explanatory comments.]

__The Archeological Journal, No. IV.

[This quarterly part completes the first annual volume of a publication ema- nating from the British Archaeological Association, but not confined to the proceed- iNits of that Society, nor to British antiquities. It is ably conducted, handsomely

and profusely illustrated ; and the papers are interesting and informing. ihosein the present number on ancient domestic architecture, as illustrated by Binning- s in old manuscripts, on mixed masonry of brick and stone, on embroiderr, and on Rockingham Castle, contain much canons and exact information on tle detakts of medimval art.]

Finden's Royal Gallery if British Art, Part II.

[Contains Newton's "Lear and Cordelia "—a picturesque group wanting in senti- ment; "Rustic Hospitality "—one of Collins's yrret rustic scenes with cottage thfidren and "The Death of the Red Deer," by N ilkie. This last is very ch.- racteristic of the painter: the composition is inartificial--almost rectilinear; and

the group of peasants seem standing for their portraits, as well as the piper and datkIker. In 'fact, it is a eolieetion of studies of "Scottish charketer ibid eostaine, with a deer and a hound: and a very living set of models they are fai. David Wilkie,. when he copied nature, never forgot the life. The engraving, by P. Lightfoot, conveys the expression of the faces and the general effect of the picture very well; but the extremities show that the engraver is not well acquainW with the figure, and this probably contributes to the im perfect rendering of form in the flesh-tints. The style of execution is close and laboured; and the dark tints want clearness in consequence. The engraving of Newton's "Lear," " by Richard Hadfield, is rich, vaned, and vigorous; the colours and textures of the draperies are well discriminated, and the flesh-tints are brilliant and pure. The chiaroscuro of the picture, too, is skilfully preserved; and altogether the plate is well executed.]


Oliver and Boyd's New Edinburgh A lmanack and National Repository, fog the year 1845. [This immense collection of useful knowledge of a practical kind differs but little from its predecessors, except in the changes which the year necessarily involves, especially upon such subjects as legislation and statistics.]