11 JANUARY 1845, Page 11


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th January 1844 and 1845, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th JANUARY 1814. 1815. Increase. Decrease.

£ £ £ £ Customs 19,073,219 20,378,672 1,305,433 - Excise 11,791,1907 12,160,111 365,304 - Stamps

6,426,155 6,611,390 185,235 -


4,190,486 4,216,488 26,002 -

Property Tax


5,191,596 - 57,664 Post.ofiice

592,000 675,000 83,000 -

Crown lands

117,100 155,000 37,500 -

. Miscellaneous

1,634,711 693,630 - 941,111

Total Ordinary Revenue

49,078,168 50,081,887 2,002,494 988,773

Imprest and other Monies

168,528 278,138 109,610

Repayments of Advances

825,247 875,513 50,266 -

Total Income

50,071,013 51,235,538 2,162,370 098,775

Deduct Decrease


Increase on the Year


QUARTERS ENDED 5th JANUARY 1844. 1815. Increase. Decrease.


4,766,968 4,902,135 135,167


3,030,771 3,230,940 200,169


1,523,653 1,601,658 78,005


1,868,657 1,880,490 11,633

Property Tax

454,415 487,541 33,126


143,000 116,000 3,000

Crown Lands

30,000 50,600 20,000


11,917 9,190


Total Ordinary Revenue 11,029,581

12,307,951 4141,100 2,727

Imprest and other Monies 50,136

146,759 96,623

Repayments of Advances 332,060 250,980


Total Income

12,211,777 12,705,693 577,723 83,807

Deduct Decrease


Increase on the Quarter


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fond, in the Quarters ended 5th January 1844 and 1845.


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office

Crovrn Lands

Miscellaneous Impreot and other Monica

'Repayments of Advances

'To Cash brought to this Account to pay off Deficiency Bills CHARGE.

tirtortue ENDED 5th Jsvrsttv

1844, 1815.

4 3,674,421 3,049,843 1,513,653 1,808,837 434,415 143,000 30,000 11,917 50,136 332,060 3,888,677 3,247,030 1,601,05 1,800091 487,541 146,000 50,000 9,198 116,759 250,980 11,138;305 11,707,725 11,138,305 11,707,725

QV !RTE. 1,1JED 5th Jtsrtar

1814. 1045.

Vermanent Debt

8,211,090 3,081,335

Terminable Annuities

616,806 653,612

. Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Con- solidated Fund

4,807 1,659

- Shaking Fund

227,13.5 842,068

Civil List

97,597 98,087

Other Charges on the Consolidated Stunt

427,852 649,648

To pay off Exchequer Bills issued per Act 6 and 7 Viet. C. 87, for

' Opium Compensation, dm.

- 871,848

• For Advances

291,501 262,001

Total Charge

9,9041,788 9,062,458

. Surplus

1,231,517 2,045,267

11,138,303 12,707,723

Amount of Exchequer Rills issued to meet the Charge on the

- Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended 10th October 1844, and

, • paid off out of the growing Produce of that Fund for the Quarter

ended 5th January 11145, after deducting 400,0001. paid off out o

Sinking Fund Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th January 1845, in part of the Sums granted by Pluilament out of the Consolidated


. Fund for Supply Services

2,812,934 -

The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th January `-•- 1846.

2,645,267 32,333

The probable Amount of txchegner Bills required to meet the

Charge on the Consolidated Food,QtmetermssiedialoJeauary ISO
