The Liberal electors of Devoeport have made an amicable arrange-
ment, which, it is thought, will insure Mr. Dawson's defeat. They were to hold yesterday a piddle meeting, and a ballot was to be taken fie• each of the Liberal ennui Imes, Mr. Tafnell and Mr. Leach; the weaker party to join forces with the stronger.
Mr. Hardy, of' Portland Place, has received an invitation from the electors of Bradford to contest that borough.
It is thought Mr. Robinson will stand for Worcester at the next election. Mr. Bailey is safe.
By the death of Sir Watk in Williams Wynn. which took place on Saturday, vacancies are created in the representathm of Denbighshire and in I he Lord-Lieutenancies of Monmouthshire and Denbighshire_ It is said that Mr. Iliddulph, a supporter of the present Ministry, will be a candidate for the county of Denbigh.
At a meeting in the Fenton district of the Potteries, on Friday, a re- solution was passed against any candidate for election to the next Par- liament who should refuse to promise his vote for the abolition of the Corn-laws.
It is rumoured that Mr. T. G. Clayton, of llyerley, will be a candi- date for Bradtbrd, on the Anti-Cern-law interest.
Mr. T. Milner Gibson is spoken of as a candidate for Marylebone.