The schism between the middle and the operative classes on
the Corn question, prevails to a greater extent than it did last year ; although the Government journals boasted that the Chartists were returning to their senses and would cease to play the game of the landed interest. The proceedings at Sheffield were mentioned last week ; and we have now to record Chartist triumphs at Not- tingham and Edinburgh. In the Scottish capital the Corn-law Repealers were beaten in spite of a regulation, intended to exclude the multitude, making the purchase of a ticket the condition of taking part in the proceedings. The Chartists bought up a large number of these tickets, and drove the Lord Provost and the com- mittee of arrangement from the platform. Against the disasters at Nottingham and Edinburgh, is to be placed success at Liverpool, Stockport, and Leith, where petitions against the Corn-duties were adopted.