The revenue returns for the year and the quarter ending
on the 5th instant appear in this paper. On the year there is an increase in the ordinary receipts of 782,038!.; and on the quarter a decrease of 212,357/. The increase is chiefly in the Customs, and all probably from Corn-duties ; the decrease is on the Excise, t. sioued, no doubt, in a great measure by the distress of the work'. population. From a statement published by the National Debt Commis- sioners, it appears that the expenditure for the year ending time 10th of October 1839 exceeded the income by neloly 900,000/4 and unless (which is not probable) the expenditure was much reduced during the last quarter, the deficiency for the year in- cluding that quarter must be still larger, as the receipts fell off considerably.