11 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 11


[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read,and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY. IT° THE EDITH& OE THE " SPECTATOB."1 • Sza,—I happened to meet yesterday one of the constant readers of the Spectator, who was much impressed by the leading article as to the work of the Society that appeared in your issue of December 17th last, and the letter from Mr. Cecil Chapman published in your issue of January 21st. He said that, while wishing to remain anonymous, he was quite willing. to make a donation of £100 towards any fund that you may be raising on behalf of the Society, and expressed a hope that others might follow his example, as, in his opinion, the work of the Society was needed more than ever.—I am, Sir, tic.,


(Secretary Charity Organization Society). Denison House, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.

[We refer to this article in our leading columns. May the anonymous donor have many imitators!—ED. Spectator.]