The Larkius, Hibbert, from China to London, is on shore near Margate; cargo dis- charging. The Romeo, Pollock, from Calcutta to Clyde, is on shore on St. Patrick's Island, off the Skerries Harbour; but expected to he got off, if the weather continue moderate. The Majestic, Just, from Bombay to Louden. is lost on one of the Maldis e Islands. The Harmony, Smith. from Manilla to Bombay. was wrecked on Sept. 25th, in lat. 12 North, bug. 113 East ; crew and passengers saved. The Conrad, Campbell, was lost in the China Seas. on Oct. 1st.; master, second mate, and seven men saved.
The Gleneira Newby, from Singapore to Siam, was wrecked on the North-east point of Pule Bintang. Nov. 14th; part of materials saved.
ARRIVED-At Gravesend. Feb. 8th, Hersey, Easterby. from China; 9th, Mars. Roper, from Calcutta. In the Downs. Ills Ditto, Lady M'Naghten, Dunbtly. from Cal-
cutta; 8th, Anna Maria, West. from China ; 9 h, Mandarin, Yule. from Calcutta. Off Dungeness, 6th Ditto. Selma, Leckie. from Calcutta. At Falmouth, 7th Ditto, Amazon, Holmes, from Ca'eatt t. At Bristol, 4th ditto, Sybilla, Cooke, from Mauri- tius. ! At Liverpool, 7th ditto, Chieftain, Birnie; Aden. Clarke; and Ivanhoe,
gouT, from China; l'rince of Waterloo, Williamson, from Calcutta; and Laclede, Sculley, from Bombay. At St. Helena. Dec. 21st. Good Hope, Mainland; aud John Craig, Pettittgell. f,nm Calcutta; 25th, Potentate, Ramsay, from China; and Reginald Heber. ltd•Farlane rrom Calcutta; 26!h, Majestic. Majortun, from Moulmein; Malabar, Barker, from Calcuto - and Jauet. Chalmers, front Mauritius. At Bombay. previous to Dee. 31st, Childe Harold, Willis ; and Recovery, Johnson, from London ; Pandora, Junnan ; Catherine, William ; and Thistle, Elder. from Liverpool. At Cananore, Dec. 28th, Gametic, Hyne, from Loudon. At Cochin. Royal William. Smith, from London. At Ceylon, November 17th, Mediva. James from Liverpool ; December let, Symmetry. Mackwood, from London; and December 20th, Thomas Hay, Church ward, from ditto. Al Madras, previous to December 24th, Vernon, Gimblett; True Briton, Constth; Wellington. Kenriek ; Vellore, Bell ; Mary Ann. Jaques; and Favorite. Case, from Loudon ; Hinduatan, Moresby. from Southampton; and Carat" beats, Fleming. from Liverpool. At Calcutta, Plantagenet, Williams; Heroine, Nicholas; Prince of Wales. Denny; Earl of Hardwicke. Henning; aud Seriugapatam. Hopkins. from London; Malabar, Adam ; Corinna, Haigh; Rmaliud, Gate ; Harvest Home, Heron; Anne and Jane. Smith ; aud Gardener. Cole. from Liverpool ; and Robertsral, Neill, from the Clyde. At Singapore previous to Nov. 27th, Sheraton Grange, Mason; and Orestes. Saunders, from London ; D'Arcy, Garrick; and Chil- ders. Seelis. from Liverpool ; William, Hay; and John Gres. Rogerson, from the Clyde; and Marquis of Douro. Woodworth, from Leith. At China, previous to Nov. 5th, Cornwall, Hillmau ; Lord Loather, Dudmau ; Adelaide, Wharton ; Asia, Smith; and Equestrian. Cromarty. from London; Devon, Mallory and Anthony Anderson, Splatt, from Liverpool.
SeiLED-Fiom Graveseud, Feb. 5th, Brunette, Coueens, for Ceylon ; 7th, Zenobia, Beckman, for China; and 11th, Stains Castle, Petrie, for Bombay. From Liverpool, Feb.
8th. Meg of Meldon, Bleasdale, for Calcutta ; and 9th. Queen Mab, Ainley, for ditto. From Greeuock. 4th. Ceylon, Fergusson. for Bombay ; 5th, Hope. M'Lachlan. for Aden: and 7th. Persian. larlington. for Calmitta.