[TROM A KNOWN conaeseoateee; la] The T: ialty Douse of
hull is a close, si.-lfselected, irresponsible, and cotieeluently, exceedingly corrupt corporation. Its members re- fused, no doubt with very good reason, to give any evideace whatever before the Corporttion Commissictiers. 'I hey ere in the habit, like the House of Lerds, of holding themselves responsible only to God. Although, them there is Ito account published by them of the very large fuiels of whieli they have the administration, something of the nature of their applicatioil 11/.1y he gidlicted from the aetive and pow- erful opausition %eh:eh this Corporal loin gets up to liberal candidates
in tittles of electiee. I heve seen un mailysis Of the Poll-book of 11-j. Jr was draval up by the busioess-liaeConanittee of Mr. M. D. fliht., whets that gentleman was dolt ered, very much by the hist' tunen-
talky of Ca: Trinity IL appears by the document referred to, that 109 votes Were tall that LICCii,i011 illfitlellt1.4 by this self-con- stitutcd Lu dy. Evvry reasonable man, what.. vet might be his political vh,ws, Ivoked foruaid to a time when this corrupt and corruptiog in-
fluence should be put down. hi the last session aecordingly, une of the Members for the town, Mr. I leers, introduce a a bill into revile- ment to effect a reformation of the sYstem. The bill, I keow met front
what cause, seems never to have valvat,col beyond House of Com- a:011S. Notwitlistamling this 11.■are, w,. had sii;p0....d that, with the advancing improvement of the ago, this tissue of comiption awl abuse would be quicaly swept away. Well, hie alamsty's lioverenual: has pot secretly granted to this excellent lgely a fie-it charter-ea renewed
to du wrong. And this tiler h tc &me on the secret application id the corporators themselves. Tile first intimation which the alem- begs for Hull received of this astoutuling eoliduct on the part of Go- vernmeot—the first knowledge conveyed of it to the :Municipal Autho- rities of' the town—was by a grand dinner given by the Trinity alouse to commemorate their triumph. I do not know whether the health of Lord Joax Itussete. and his Majesta's Administration was toasted on the occasion ; but the exulting corporator!, must have tetnentbeled with gnet:tude the conduct of a Government which has so obligingly con- spired with them to put down Liberal principles and goo.' government in this important town.