11 AUGUST 1923, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I think the following parochial stories will amuse you. The first has to do with higher education. The question was, " Where was St. Paul educated ? " The little girl's answer was, " He commenced his education at Jerusalem and was finished at Cambridge University."

I think that this story is also good enough for the Spectator. She was a very old woman who kept a small newspaper shop, her object being to pay all just debts and demands, and to be thankful if she could do so. She was dying ; I had said my last words, and she seemed to be dropping off. Suddenly she roused herself and said, " Mr. L., do you think that I shall meet Napoleon in heaven ? " " Why do you ask ? " Her answer was, " If I meet him, I shall ignore him." Then she lapsed into unconsciousness, and was dead in half an hour. The same old lady once said to me, " I say, when you were preaching on Sunday you told a story about a clergy- man. I don't believe it was a clergyman at all ; it was a doctor, and I know the man. But I suppose you were like St. Paul, who transferred things now and then to Apollos."

—I am, Sir, &c., N. E. L. [We are delighted with these examples of rustic pleasantry We trust " N. E. L.'s " good example will be followed by other readers.—ED. Spectator.]