Wea-erteica, Aug. 6.-Staff--Geh. Sir H. D. Ross, G.C.B. to be AdjteGep. of the Royal Arrellery-
Erratum in the Gazette of Aug. 31,--For 77th Foot-R. B. Clarke, Gent, to be En- ;a. tLoaurVuatno%aeEnsign,Willoughby. poet, read 77th Foot tioeuPtP;uvirethtt° the 60th Veit-orria, Aug. 10.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. R. T. Godman to be Capt,. without purchase, vice Sidebottom, dec.; Cornet Sir F.. 8. Hutchinson, Bait. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Godman. Sd Draga.-Lieut. F. W. Lukin, from HUI. Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Colt. 8th 'Light Drags.- -Cornet IL C. Sawbridge - to be-Lieut.' by-purchase, vice Glyn, promoted in the Rifle Brigade. Rath Light Drags.-Aurist,-Surg. L. G. 1:10oper,"from 17th Foot, lobe Asaist.-Surg..vice beth„protnoted on the Staff.
Royal Regt- of Artillery-SergLeMajor J. Everett to be Lieut, in the Riding- hause establertionent.
Corps of Hord Engineers-Limit. A. J. Clerke to be Second Capt. Tice Stokes, seconded, lielng-attecked to the Turkish Contingent ; Limit. C. A:Rice to be Second capt. vice'Creade, sect:nide& being attached to the Tnrkish'Contingent. Ordnance Medical Departuient-ffigif-Aseist.-Surg. T. Tertant, M.D. to be As- stilt:Slug. vice Ward, promoted ; Acting Assist-gure. E. 3. Hopwood to be Assist.- Burg. vice Rhys, promoted ; Acting Alisist.-Surg.-G.' Sharp to be AssisteSurg. vice Warren, promoted ; Aeting Assist.-Surg. S. Halahan, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice 'Perry, promoted ; Stuff-Assist.-Burg. R. A. Chapple ta be Assist.-Surg. vice-Cocke-
• rill. resigned.
'istItegt. of Foot - To beCaptains, without purehase-Lieut. M. A. H. Legge, Vice Bellew, dec.; Lieut. W. F. J. Rudd, vice Legge. whose promotion on June 2.5 has been cancelled. To be Lieutenants, without .purchase-Ensigns G. W. Thompson, vice Legge; (1.0. Stewart, vice Rudd; C. B. Steer, vice Stewart, whose promotion on June 26,1855, has beeneancelled. -To be Ensign, without purchase-Ensign 0. P. Leigh, from 2d Regt. Royal Cheshire Militia, vice Steer. To be Assistant-Sur- gem-Acting Assist.-Surg. A. J. Mackey, M.D. from Staff, Tice Greene, resigned. 4th Foot-Assist.-Surg. A. Hawkins, from the Staff, to be Assiet--Surg. vice Smith, who resign,. 7th Foot-To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign C. E. Hope, Tice the Hon. F.-Fitsclarence, died of his wounds ; Ensign 0. Colt, vice Hope, whose promotion on July 27 has been cancelled; 0. Kirwin„ Gent, to be Ensign, with- ode' pur. vice Colt 13th Foot-Limit, lion. J. C. Dormer to be Adjt. rice King, promoted. 16th Foot-Ensign G. C. S Lombard to be Lieut. by pur. vice Lyons, promoted. 17th FootssAssist.-Surg. T. H. Walker, from the Staff, to be Assist.- Surg. vice Hooper, appointed to the 10th Light Drags. 20th Foot-Lieut. B. G. Dasohwood to be Capt. by purchase, vice James, who retiree; Ensign F. L. Edridge to be Lieut. without purchase; Ensign C. G.Roclifort to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hewett, promoted; Ensign T. S. Macdonogh to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Dashwood ; H. 8. Watkins, Geot. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rochfort. 21st Foot-Ensign J. Shaw to be Lieut, by purchase, .vice Best, promoted in the Ore- -nattier Guards ; E. W. Pearrnan, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Shaw. 22d Foot-Ensign E. N. L'Estrange to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pennefather, pro -
rooted in the 41st Fool; T. C. Hinds, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice L'Es- trange. 26th Foot-R. K. A. D. Cunyngham, Gent. to be Ens n, by purchase, vice Meldrum, promoted ; W. H. Salwey, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice .Cunyngham, appoioted to 93d Feet, 28th Foot-Enrtge 8. Hall to be Lieut. by pur, '.vice Hackett. prom.: W. H. Crawhall, Gent, to be Ensign, by pur. vice Ilan. 37th Foot-Ensign E. R. B. Barnes to be Lieut. by pur. vice Wyatt, prom. in 79th Foot. • 313th Foot-Major J. W. S. Smith to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Louth, 'deceased; Capt. W. G. Loftus to be Major, without purchase, vice Smith ; Lieut. .P. W. Breton to be Capt. without purchase, vice LaRue; Ensign A. Walker to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Breton; Lieut. .1. P. Boyd, fromR: oyal Aberdeenshire Militie to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Walker. 424 Foot-Brevet-Major C. Murray to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. the Hon. R. Rollo, whose brevet rank has been ecloyerted into substantive rank, under the Royal war- rant of the 6th Oct. To be Captains, without purchase-Lieut. J. C. R. Grove, vice Fraser, killed; Lieut. W. G. IL Webber, vice llurray: To he Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign C. W. Cockburn, vice Grove; Ensign the' lion. R.' H. Stewart, vice Webber. To be Ensign. without purchase-A. J. Ceeley, Gent- Tice Cockburn. 434 Foot-Lieut. F. G. Stapleton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Wilmot, appointed to the Rifle Brigade ; Ensign T. C. Maguire to be Lient. by purchase gn , vice Staple-
ton; Ensign C. H:Hatchell, from the Ath Foot, to be Ensign. withont purchase. vice Stapleton. 44th Foot-To be Ensign, without purchase-Ensign H. F. Web- ster, from the 2d Regiment Royal Cheshire Militia, vice Mounesteven; appointed to the 8th Foot. To be Ensign, bypurchase-C. H. Laprimandaye Gent. in succes- sion to Lieut. Cooper; who retires. 51st Foot-Capt. G. tVanie„ from the 85th Foot, to be Capt. vice Manners, who exchanges. 55th Foot-Capt. R. Peel, froni half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. vice Verner, who exchanges ; Lieut. C. P. Teesdale, from the 83d Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice l'eel, who retires. 57th Foot-Staff- Surg. of the Second Class W. Al'Andrew, 11.13. to be Surg. vice Dickson, who resigns. 59th Foot-Lieut. E. H. King, from 'the 7th Foot, to he Paymaster, vice Fair, ap- pointed to a Depflt Battalion; Ensign J. Shepherd to be'Adjut. vice Lloyd, promoted to the 57th Foot, 63d Foot-Lieut. V. H. Bowles to be Capt. without purchase. vice Breeet-Major G. N. Harrison, killed; Lieut. A. W. Fraser to be Capt. by pur- chase. vice Cockburn, who retires. To be Lieuts, without purchase-Ensign J. 11.- Ramsbottom, vice Bowles; Ensign F. H. D. Veith, vice Reinsbottom, whose promo- tion on 27th July has been cancelled. 65th Foot -F. P. Leonard,' Gent, to be En- sign, without purchase. vice Ryan, appointed to the 824 Regt. 77th Foot-Lieut.' M. W. Dickson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Breret-Major Gilby, dec.; Ensign J. Dooley to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Dickson ; J. H:Blackney, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Dooley-. 82d Foot-Ensign T. Ryan, from the 65th. Foot, to be Ensign, without pbrehase, vice Mackay, appointed to the 924 Foot. 834 Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg. W. Sharp to be Assist.-Sur. vice Munro, who resigns. 85th Foot-Capt. H. It. Manners, from the 51st Foot, to be Capt. vice \Verde. Who exchanges. 86th Foot-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. R. H. Lowth, to be Lient.-Col. without purchase, vice Tudor, who retires upon full-pay; Brevet-Major G. Keane to be Ma- jor, without purchase, vice Lowth; Lieut. 3. J. Gordon to be Capt.* without pur- chase, vice Keane; Ensign J. F. W. Mullen to be Lieut, without purchase, Vice Gordon; J. D. Brockman, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Mullen. 924 Foot-Lieut. D. P. Campbell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Erskine, who retiree; Ensign Hon. A. •Annesley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Campbell; Lieut. M. Meehan to be Adjut. vice Campbell; promoted. 93d Foot-Ensign R. K. A. D. Cunyngbani, from the 26th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase. 95th Foot-En- sign A. M. Rawlins, to be Lieut, by purchase, Tice Bazelg.ette,,prometed.
Brig,ade-Capt. H. Wilmot, frointhe 434 Foot, to be Capt. vice Hon. P. W, Campbell, whose promotion, by purchase, on June 26, 1855. has been cancelled; Lieut. R. It. Glyn, from 8th Light Drags. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Braniston, appointed to the Grenadier Guards; Staff-Assist-Surg. G. 11. Finlay to be Assist.- Surg.Tice Shorrock, dec. Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Capt. J. Stewart, from half. pay Unatt. to be Capt. (repaying the difference) vice B. B. Keane, who exchanges ; Lieut. R. 11. Brook to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. Stewart, who retires; Second Lieut. J.. Meaden to be Limit. by purchase, site Brook. • 'Unattached-The undermentioned officers to have their brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant October 6, 1854- Brevet-Lieut.- CoL Hon. R. Rollo, 42d Foot ;- Brevet-Major Claremont, Royal Canadian Rifles; Brevet-Major P. Bayly, 30th Foot; Lieut. P. Eherwen, from 1st Drag. Guards, to be Capt. without purchase. Royal Hospital ChelseaSerge-Major J. Ferrier to he Quartermaster.
-Hospital Staff-Assist:Sing. C.B. Bassano, from 9th Light Drags, to be Staff- Burg. of the Second Class, vice M'Andrew, appointed to the 57th Foot. To be As- sistant-Surgeon-Acting Assist.-Surg. J. H. G. Meares, vice Finlay, appointed to the Rifle Brigade; Acting AssisteSurg. N. Farley, vice Hawkins, appointed to 4th Foot; E. AL Macpherson, Gent, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class.
Lieut.-Col:, W. L. Tudor, retired full-pay of the 86th Foot, to be Col. in the Army, the rank being honorary only;' Capt. J. Stewart, of the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Major in the Army; Brevet-Major J. Stewart, Of Use 'Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's 't erv ice, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank, as follows-To he Colonel-Lieut.-Col. P. Hay, Bengal Infantry. To lie Lieutenant-Colonels-Major D. Nisbett, Bengal Infantry; Major J. Hunter, Bengal Infantry; Major G. A. IL Falcouar. Madras Infantry; Major J. Ertridge, Bombay Engineers. To be Major-Capt. H. 31. Conran, Bengal Artillery.
The undermentioned officers to.have a step of local rank in Turkey while em- ployed in the Irregular Cavalry, under the command of Major-Gen. Beatson-R. Young, Gent. late Cornet 7th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. vice Lieut. R. F. Moles- worth, of the 5th Madras Netted Irdantry, whose commission has been cancelled; Dr. Ralazdy to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class.
The undermentioned officer to have a step of local rank in Turkey while em- ployed in the Turkish Contingent-Cornet W. Stuart, 15th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. Memoranda-Acting AssisL-Suegeons F. 'Wilkinson and IV'. Acton have been permitted to resign their respective appointmentsin the Army Medical Department. Mr. Wilkinson' from the 26th June, and Mr. Acton from the 1st May, they having beep trapeferred to the Irregular Cavalry. under the command of Alajor-Gen. Beatsen. The surname of the officer appointed in succession to Staff-Surg: of the Second Class W. D. Fowler, appointed to the 82d Foot, is Grates; and not Groves, as pre- viously stated. British Foreign Legion-Major and Brevet-Lieut-Col. J. F. Pamer to have the substantive rank of Lieut.-Col. To he Lieutenant-Colonelm-MajorA.. F..Schrliee, commanding 1st Jager Corps ; Major and Bretet-Lieut.sCol. E. K. Murray, com- manding the 1st Light Infantry Regt. 1st Light Drags.-C. Peroeval, Esq. formerly of the Austrian Imperial Hussars, to be Major-Commandant; F. Cartfright, Esq. See- nicely of the Austrian Imperial Lancers, to be Major. • To be Captaihs-C. Delortne, formerly of the Royal Hessian Hussars; -I. C. Hunt, formerly Of the.Austrise Impe- rial Cuirassiers. To be Lieutenant-A. Lohenhofer. To be Cornets-41. Von Hatt- mar; C. Redman..formerly of the Austrian Imperial Cuirassiers. 24 Light Drata.-■ J. E. Fleming, formerly of 17th Light Drags. to be MajorTCommandant; A. Yates, formerly of the Austrian Imp. Cuiras. to be Major ; Ce Von Linsingin to be Blijor; L. 0. Lerch to be Lieut.; C. Jobannson to be Cornet; A. -Murray to be Paymaster.
British Swiss Legion-Lient.-Col. J. Suizberger to be Col. us the Army, with temporary rank, while serving in the British Swiss Legion-'
. British Italian Legion-J, Hudson, Esq. late Capt. and Lieut.-Col in the Gre- nadier Guards. to have the honorary rank of CoL while employed as Military Agent
for the Italian Legion. •