The public is not taken into the confidence of those
who are controlling or trying to control the second election for the German Presidency. The possibilities are th wider since the Constitution does not preclude entirely new candidates and the election need not be a second ballot upon the old contest in any true sense.
Herr Braun has accepted race as Premier in the Prussian Diet, which finally elet-ed him on April 3rd. He may therefore be eliminated. Marshal von Hindenburg has refused, as might have been expected for several reasons, to stand. The Nationalists found no support for him in the Deutsche Yolks Partei or among Hitler's men. Herr Jarres can therefore count on more united support from the parties of the Right, and is less likely to with- draw. The Centrum and its allies to the Left who form the " Weimar Coalition " have adopted Herr Marx, -whose chane:'s of success as a Republican candidate are improved. * *