11 APRIL 1840, Page 16



Memoirs of the Princess Dasehltow, Lady of Honour to Catherine II., Empress of all the Hussies: written by Herself: comprising Letters or the Empress, and other Currespendenee. Edited from the Originals, by Mrs. IV. Bradford. IR 2 ,48, CLASSICAL LITERATURE. album The Lire and Letters of MarClixt TalliRS Cicero. The Life. by Dr. Middleton Ci. cero's Leiters to several or his Friends, translated by William Melmeth. Ciee• ro's Letters to Attica,. translated by Dr. Hebertlen ilorun.


Msnuers teal Customs et' the New Zealanders ; with Notes corroborative of their Usages, sze. anti Remarks to Intending it I:jgrauts, with numerous cuts drawn on weed. By J. S. Polack, Esq., Author of ••Travols anti Adventures in New Zealand between the years 18:31 and lS37." In 2 vols. Jladien and Cu.