Financial Notes
CONSIDERABLE activity has characterized the Stock Mariets during the past week, but for the moment there has been rather a shifting of interest from the gilt-edged section to the more speculative departments. The movement was started by the big rise in American securities and the rise in comm. ties on the other side of the Atlantic. This, in its turn, prompted speculative activity here not only in the Ordinary - shares of-American industrial concerns but also in the shares of English companies. Oil shares have been active and strong, while in sympathy, with a rise in the price of the commodity Rubber shares have experienced a little boomlet of their own, and South African Gold shares, which for some time past have been strong on the high price of the metal, have risen con- siderably. On the other hand, gilt-edged securities, which have been neglected, have dropped a little in the absence of business, though in good quarters I find the opinion held that British Government stocks are destined for somewhat higher prices than those current to-day.