10 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 26

Increased Production. By E. Lipson. (H. Milford. 2s. 6d. net.)—This

pamphlet, in a useful series entitled The World of To-Day, gives a dispassionate account of the problem which faces the country. Until production is increased, by energy and goodwill on the part of all concerned, -the standard of living cannot be raised. Mr. Lipson, writing as an economist and not as a politician, recognizes the importance of organizing factory work on a scientific plan, with the assistance of the workmen. He points out the evil consequences of arbitrarily reducing piece-rates and thus discouraging the better workmen from putting forth their whole energies. He touches on the questions of over-production and unemployment, for which he sees a remedy in State insurance, 'despite the abuses to which it is subject.