10 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 8



The present week has failed to produce any new feature in monetary affaira. With the exception of a dulness in the Corn-market, the various circumstances which suggested the alteration in the Bank rate of discount are still in operation, bearing with them anxiety for the future. Accounts

from St. Petersburg report another adverse movement in the rate of exchange on London, in consequence of extensive purchases of wheat in that city and


at Odessa, which it s expected will require further remittances of gold from England, insurances having been effected for that purpose. Business in the manufacturing districts continues with the greatest activity, and goods to some extent are shipped for Australia and the United States. The advices from New York state the rate of exchange had become more favourable to England : there is consequently a chance of remittances being sent to this

country, unless the late rise in Mark Lane should cause shipments of grain to England instead. Speculative and other sales have this week been freely transacted in Government Securities, causing daily depression ; which on

Tuesday was increased by political distrust, the return to town of Lord .John Russell and Lord Palmerston to attend the consultations of Lord Aberdeen and Lord Clarendon having been construed as important. The fall this week in the Funds, up to yesterday, when the settlement of the Account took place, amounted to 8; Consols early in the morning having been done as low as 968I closing higher. The depression was partly attributed to the receipt of lower prices from DMA, occasioned by the report that a loan of 500,000,000 francs would shortly be required by the French Government ; also renewed anxiety on the Eastern question. Surprise has been occasioned by Exchequer Bills maintaining their price' in- stead of in some way responding to the depression in other securities. It is thought probable that the Chancellor of the Exchequer purchases on behalf of Government, with (in the absence of other immediate resources) nuns realized from sales of Three per Cent Stocks held on account of Savings- Banks. The transfer-books in Three per Cent Reduced and Long Annuities closed yesterday, and Bank Stock and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents today, for the arrangement of dividends. This morning the Funds opened / lower; and Consols were done at 968, I, closing rather better, at 961 for Money and 968 for Account Bank and India Stocks have fallen 1 this week.

Foreign Stocks generally have been little dealt in. Belgian has improved 1, and Granada Deferred 8. A decline has occurred in the following—Peru- vian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Deferred, 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half, Ditto Four per Cents, Sardinian, and Spanish Three per Cents, I ; Ditto Deferred, and Mexican, I. Letters from Brussels mention that a new Bel- gian Loan is likely to be raised.

Railways, at the opening on Monday, were firm ; but subsequently were unfavourably affected by the depression in Consols, particularly yesterday. London and North-western, and Midland, then fell 11. 10s. ; London and South-western 11. and Great Western, 108. At the close, the decline in some of the leridinglines, compared with last Saturday, was to the following extent—London and North-western, London and South-western, Midland, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and York and North Midland, 24 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, and South-eastern, 11. 15:.; Caledonian, Edin- burgh and Glasgow, Great Western, London, Brighton, and South Coast,' and Scottish Central, 11.; Chester and Holyhead, Great Northern, North British, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 10s. In Foreign Shares, Paris_ and Rouen, and R Rouen and Havre, have improved 10s., and Western of France 68.: a decline has occurred in the following—Paris and-Ode/nap and Paris and Strasbourg, 11. ; Paris and Lyons, 15s. • Great Central„rif, France, 12s. 6d.; Northern of France, 5s. Today the EnglishmalPereigh

lines close heavily, and at a further slight decline. __.t.risf.,s"4

SAT1TKDAT, %01-Pik -

The English Funds are rather lower this morning, a decrease of'462,

in the bullion return by the Bank of England compared with last week causing increased anxiety. Consols are now 96J Ifor Money and 96S for Account ; Exchequer Bills 2 die. 1 pm. Foreign Stocks have not altered. Railways have declined ; several sellers being on the market. . Thetranfiaations have been in the following—Eastern Counties, 128; Great Northern A, '517 Lancashire and Yorkshire, 728; London and North-western 1068;Xidlandy 65k; North British, 308 South-eastern, 66k; York, Newcastle, and Beiswiekes 66i; York and North Midland, 538. - Mind,*

3 per Cent Consols


Danish 3 per Cents ..... 84-111115

Ditto for Account

96 1 Dutch 2/ per Cents

64.5 L 8 per Cent Reduced


Ditto 4 per Cents .. . ..

08 31 per Cents shut Mexican 3 per Cents

VI ed-

Long Annuities shut

Peruvian 44 per Cents.... 80 2 -ex dire.

Bank Stock shut

Portuguese 4 per Cents 44.5 -

Exchequer Bills 2 dis. 1 pm. Russian 5 per Cents .... 115 17 ex d.

India Stock 253 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 101/ 24 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Spanish 3 per Cants


Belgian 41 per Cents

99 101

Ditto Deferred 221 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 95 6 Danish 5 per Cents

104 6 ex div.

Austrian Spec Cents 98 10(1