10 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 10



The afternoon has been passed in a state of complete inactivity, and without any fluctuations of importance. Spanish Stock is about A per cent. higher; but this improvement has not be:soniiii a,,ticompannuietedhb: at per amountCents of business. The Foreign Stocks are at this morning's prices, as are also the Railroad Shares.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account Danish 3 per Cents.

551 2

764 77

Mexican 6 per Cents 27 28 3 per Cent. It educed New 34 per Cent Antis 29k 4 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 681 96 India Stock _ Ditto 3 per Cent. 44 43 Batik Stock — Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 10 8 dig.. E xi:Napier Bills 1 3 pm. Prussian (1818)5 per era .. -- Belgian 5 iier Cents 1032 Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 104 94 Brazilian 5 per Colts 851 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 301 STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON.

The Consol Market has been tolerably steady ; the price for Money having fluctuated between 904 and 91, waile that for the Account has oscillated between 903 91h. The scarcity of Stock still continues; and although several heavy sales have occurred fluting the week on the behalf of the Scotch Rinks, they have been entirely confined to the New Three-and a-Half per Cents., in which a 2eprestsion of nearly h per cent. has occurred. Money is plentiful here although in demand for commercial purposes. The rate of discount at the Bank of Eng- land is 5 per cent. ; but accommodation is easily obtainable at lower rites, on acceptances of the first character ; the sales of Stock above referred to by the Scotch Bank having been effected with a view to profiting by the present in- creasing value of money in London. To check the depression in Exchequer Bills, the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt have purchased a greater proportion of those securities than usual ; as, if they were to fall to a discount before the 22d inst. (on which day a large amount of bills issued during the present year are advertised,) the holders. instead of taking new bills in exchange, might setiously enaharrags the Government by demanding to be paid in money ; to avoid which, the Chaneellor of the Exchequer must either increase the rate of interest, or consent to home the new bills at: a discount. The premium has, however, been well maintained, and is to-day Is. higher than it was last week. Commercial Bills, or those issued for the assistance of public works, are at a discount of 2s. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has evinced great activity, and at one time yestetilay was 21 per cent. above our last prices. This improvement was occasioned by the receipt of some decrees published at Madrid ; by which it appears, that the proceeds of the forced loan now in progress through Spain mill be applied to the payment of the accruing dividends, which will become due on the 1st November next. On the arrival of the Paris prices of Wednes- day, (received this morning.) which were A per cent. lower than those o the previous day, a reactions of more than 1 per cent, has occurred. Late in the afternoon intelligence has been received by the means of pigeons, that a use of 1 per cent, occurred yesterday in that capital ; the price has consequently im- proved to within -A per cent, of yeateulay's quotations Portuguese Stocks, after having fallen 11 per cent. from our last quota.. tions, have reached snore than they declined, awl are to-day rather higher than last week. The depression of the eat ly part of the week was occasioned by sales made in expectation that the Ultra-Liberal party at Oporto would take advantage of the anniversary of the establishment of the Constitution of 1820, to establish that form of government ; but, as advices were yesterday received froin Cadiz to the 31st, and we have to-day intelligence from Lisbon to the 25th, it is believed that the day passed over without any such manifestation; and hence the rise in the price of the Bonds. The other European Continental Stocks have not varied materially in price, nor has the business transacted in them been extensive.

An improvement of nearly 2 per cent, has occurred in Columbian Stock, caused by the receipt of some decrees passed by the Congress at Bogota, with a view to providing the liquidation of the claims of the English creditors. It will be recollected, that on the division of the Republic into the three independent States of New Granada, Venezuela, and Escuador, it was proposed to appor- tion the Columbian debt among the New States, in the following manner,— viz. New Gianada, 50 per cent. ; Venezula, 284 ; and Escuador, 21i percent, This apportionment has, however, been resisted by the Venuezuelans ; and the matter is still in dispute among the three Governments. The Congress at Bogota have decreed that they shall be appropriated exclusively to the liquidation of the claims of the foreign creditors,—Ath part of the import-duties ta com- mence front the let September, and a further Ath part when the Vales at present receivable for duties shall be cancelled, half of the surplus remaining in the Treasury after deducting the expenses of the government ; the net produce of the tobaeco remaining, for exportation, reserving one-third to promote cultiva- tion. That in future the payment for the purchase of all the national lands shall be made in Bonds of the Foreign Debt. The funds available from. these sources are to be remitted to England, and deposited in the Bank of England until the apportionment of the debt shall be concluded. The Bond- holders have, however, by long experience, found that the majority of these decrees are mere barren declamations; othet wise a greater improvement would have occurred in the Stock.

The Railway Share Market does not afford scope for any remarks.


Consols are firm at yesterday's prices. The Premium on Exchequer Bills is "s. lower. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is about h per cent. lower than yesterday ; the repot ted improvement in the price at Paris, on Thom i lower being Incorrect, as, instead of rising 1 per cent., the closing price ua

than that of the previous day. The Active Stock opened at 314, has since

been at 1.30i, audia now 311. The Deferred is 134 q, and the Passive 91 The Portuguese are about 3 per cent. lower than yesterday. Dutch, and the other European Stocks, are unchanged ; as are also the South American. The Railway Shares are quite neglected ; and the majority of the following quotations are merely nominal. London and Birmingham 74 76 prem. ; Great Western 14 16 prem. ; North Midland 5 6 pretn. ; Brighton 24 3*; Green- wich 24 :31 prem. ; Southampton 1 dis. 1 prem.; South Eastern 13 2A prem. ; Eastern Counties A dig. a prem.