The Gazette of last night contains official despatches from Admiral ,Stopford respecting the operations of the fleet and troops on the coast of Syria. The despatches are more remarkable for the absence of in- formation than for any additional light they throw upon the affair. The accounts given by the correspondents of the morning papers make the official documents look extremely barren. In one point there is a substantial difference from the previous accounts ; it relates to the com- munications that passed between the naval commanders and Solyman Pasha. It would appear from the despatches, that Solyman sent no answer to the demand to withdraw his threes from 13eyrout, beyond a request that the communication might be made in French, as Ile was unacquainted with the English language. The letter 'was again sent in French ; and a verbal reply was returned, that the Pasha was then too much engaged, but that an answer would be sent on the following morning. This was considered merely as an evasion to gain tune; and the Admiral ordered the fire to be renewed, and to be partially and sparingly kept up fl:PtiltSi the fort only. The despatches say nothing about any damage done to the town or the inhabitants, nor is the result of the attack on Beyrout mentioned. The despatches are dated the 20111 September, three days after the Egyptians are re- presents(' to have evacuated the town. The Mcuntaineers who have come in, and to whom arms have been distributed, are stated to be principally Christians. Some confusion arises in the official accounts from the different names given to the same place. The bay where the ships are anchored to protect the troops is thus described by Com- modore Napier- " I)Jour:lie is a good-sized bay, with a promontory projecting considerably into the sea. A road from Beyront lies Mom, the shore, and is practiooido fur infant' v, and cavalry; this road tile Revenge covered. The real from Tripoli leads also along-shore ; and the Wasp and Phtenix covered a ! gorge, over which it would be neee•sary to pass. Two roAs lead from 11,illwe by Antara, where an excellent position teas taken up by two battalions or Turks, supported by five companies of marines. The left of this is plotected by an impassable gorge; the right rests on the Sea, Dog River separating it ! front high ground in front."