The panic occasioned by the intelligence of Satnr.lay not of long eat:- tinilance, and the prices of the Funds improved tiori:oi the c.irly hurt of the week ; Consuls 11.0'1114 risen to 674 both for Mom..., ::•:•1 Account. These quotations were not, however, long supported; and ,e1 Wedmsday a decline
of more than 1 per colt. occurred; depressing f•••:.11atiLd to act
during nearly the whole of yesterday; and Cone„!.: !. :::ey and the Account were at 65. boing 2 per cent. below the •-• the work. The market did not long reandtt in this elate. 'M ti. 1;:ring purelia,ed largely (Inc loser ; and as the t utu, . • inintediate improvement, the closing price commenced at the prints of ycstet•dav ; a:,1 • 1 :.• ,!nentary depression to 86', for :%loncy, the market soon io -a :foxy, Lein; again driven up lee a prev.tlence of money-hap::- ; :1% . , T at 67, closes at 864 Sete Three-and-a-half per ■•esterflay at tioe, and afterwards 96, have been to-day at ffnd '.1.; at `.inn 4. India stock is quoted at 2 and Bank Stuck at tee. 1:!: !!;.!: Bills love fallen, and were at one perioa as low as 2s, discount. but !eye: -lece improved, and have toolav been at 2s. premium. Moury lias 'become extremely scarce, and the ,,,,r di:420111e 2.1:ty 110W he 111.10ted at 6 per cent. Tf•.• • "
attrilmt.0.1c to this of the financi
all the of '1'exes v
other capitalists hr tritest bawls sr • r
the quarter, for payment into ': • •• ':fly always a scare;ty of 1110110V duribg the is generally rernediel by tine payoiciit ,•C
ever, tilt Ow ef the
tore; and tlic.t the iisde •••••. t. of the Dividteels next wc,•!:. CO !;', ,tH,11::: , I ,t1Ced in tele I:1St re:,ort that the 1,, • \,.! ‘• • con-
tinucs, :val the rates up,at f'...
as they have beet for some _1. thus toe Bulk er p.• r :It; . . r •
1 SI .