Zbe Court.
THE Queen held it Catert and Privy Council on Saturday afternoon, at Claremont. 'the Council was attended by Prince Albert, the Lord President, the Lord Chancellor, the First Lord of the Treasury, the Seeretarho, of St:se Ifir the Home, Foreign, and Colonial Departments, the Chief Ss. retary thr Ireland. the Lord Steward, and the Lord Cham- berlain.
At the (ouncil, Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Thursday the sill of October to Thursday the 12th of November. At the Court. the Reverend Dr. Shuttleworth was presented to her Majesty, and iii t inonago on being appointed Bishop of Chichester.
On Monday, the Queett and Prince Albert took an airing in Clare- mont Park. its en open pony carriage. Her Majesty remained at Clare- mont till Wednesday afternoon ; when the Court returned to Windsor.
Viscount 3.1elbeurne was at Claremont with the Queen during the time the Court remained there, The Dutehess of Kent paid a visit to the Queen at Cie:am:out oa Monday, but returned to Ingestre House in the afternoon.
The Duke S;;:sex is recovering from the effects of his recent cold. His Royal !Hein es s received a visit yesterday, at Kensington Palace, from her Royal Highness the Dutehess of Gloucester.—Court Circular, Oct. 10.
The Duke of Cambridge, attended by Baron Knesebecl, left...town at two o'clock on Saturday morning. to ;Ha the Dutehess of Cambridge near Frankfhrt. His Royal Iliehuess embarked on board a steam- packet at die Customhouse for Ostend,
The Dutchess of Kent dined with the Dutehess of Gloucester on Monday evening. at Gloucester House.
Prince George of Cambridge left town on Monday evening, for Dover, en route fur lituopenheim, near Frankfort, to join their Royal High- nesses the Duke and Dutehess of Cambridge.