10 NOVEMBER 1923, Page 28

Mr. Magnus, who is vice-chairman of the Girls' Public Day

School Trust, has produced an interesting record of the admirable work done by the Trust in the past half-century. It was the pioneer in providing good secondary schools for girls, and it has set an example which the local authorities are now following. Of the thirty-eight schools established by the Trust, twenty-five are still managed by it, with aid from the State, while the rest have been transferred or discon- tinued. In 1956 the original shareholders' interests will be extinguished and the schools will vest in a purely educational Trust; but it should be added that the shareholders have never sought profit, and for years have been content with a four per cent. dividend. Mr. Magnus appends a short history of each school, which will interest many parents and old pupils. The Clapham High School has the proud distinction of having educated Miss Fawcett, the one woman who has beaten the Senior Wrangler "in the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos.