10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 8


The Paris papers of Thursday mention extensive changes in the official departments of the provinces. Forty Prefects and Deputy Prefects have been removed, and persons substituted on whom Count Mold can depend for more efficient support.

The llIoniteur publishes a royal ordinance, convoking the French Chambers for the 17th of December, a week earlier than was ex- pected. '1'lle Sirsade asks whether, " it is true, as has been said in some po- litical saloons, that the French Cabinet is at this moment occupied ith a secret treaty with Russia?" The treaty, it is surmised by the SiLle, will guarantee the ecutrality of France in any war which may break out in the East.

Quinidienne asserts positively, that Prince 'Metternich and Count Nesselrcde procured front Count Mule not only the visa of a passport for the Princess of Beira, but a promise that she should pass immelested through France to joint Don Curios. This statement is made in contradictiou of one in the Journal des Debuts, that the French Government was entirely ignorant of the moverneets of the Princess of Beira.