10 MAY 1856, Page 12



The postponement of the Budget until the 19th instant and the expected reduction in the Army-Estimates have caused renewed buoyancy in the Eng- lish Funds, and they have repeatedly stood; better than last week. Some- times a slight reaction has occurred, through operations connected with the `settlement of the Account, arranged yesterday, and in anticipation of a full :supply of Stock on that occasion. The rate paid for continuation to the -Account in June was 7-16ths to 5-8ths. Opinions continued to be at variance with regard to a Government Loan, as to amount and the time and mode of raising it ; but there was latterly a general belief that it would not be so 'large as was at first supposed, and that it would consist of a limited issue of Exchequer Bonds. This morning a Treasury notice was posted at the Stock Exchange, addressed to the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England, and dated last evening, inviting capitalists to contract for a Go- vernment Loan of 6,000,000/. sterling ; to be raised in Consolidated Three -per Cent Annuities, which will be given for every 1001. subscribed in money. Interest to commence from the 5th January last : pay- ment to be made on the following days. Deposit of 101. per cent --on May 22d, 20/. on June 12th, 201. on June 28th, 20/. on July 24th, 101. 'on Airgwit 28th, and 201. on September 18th. For each instalment after the 'deposit, Stock will be created for the subscribers, and for the deposit at the limed of creation for the last instalment. Scrip receipts will be issued in the usual manner. The biddings to be made at the Treasury on Monday morning the 19th instant at ten o'clock, and to be for the entire sum. Capitalists desirous of further information will be received at a preliminary meeting at the Treasury at one o'clock on Tuesday the 13th. Consols this week have been dealt in at 024 to 931; yesterday they closed at 921 3. Today, on the announcement of the Loan, they fell ; and after some fluctuations they leave oft' at 921 4 and 98 tog for Account. If a further creation of Consols could have been dispensed 'with, it would have been to their benefit, as there is generally too full a supply on the market through the lust Loan, and until absorbed by the public it will cause some inconvenience on account-days. Exchequer Bills have been in demand, and have rallied from the depression of last week about 4s. There has been A great pressure for money on the Stock Exchange, and out of doors the mercantile demand has increased considerably. The French Funds have been steady. The Corn-market has advanced from Is. to 2s. The gold and specie receipts have been 300,1161. from Australia and 200,0001. from America. Some portions of gold from the recent arrivals continue to be taken to the Bank of England. The shipments to India and China by the Iva were considerable ; namely, 643,2021., of which 620,692/. was silver. The export of gold on account of the Turkish Loan is said to be at the rate of 200,0001. a week, but that the remittances will probably ter- minate in a fortnight.

The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of Eng- land for the month ending the 12th April was 10,244,454/. ; a decrease of 325,300/. compared with the preceding month, and a decrease of 4,812,707/. compared with the same time last year.

The Foreign Market has been well supported, and Turkish Six per Cents are 1 better. Beyond this there is no alteration except in the speculative .descriptions : these are 4 to 1 higher in some cases, including Mexican, Spanish Three per Cents, Ditto Deferred, and Spanish Certificates. In Railways, some firmness was exhibited at the commencement of the week, through purchases; they have since receded a little. Midland is 15s., and Lancashire and .Yorkshire 10s. better. Great Northern is 11., Great Western 15s. and London and North-Western, 5s. lower. London and South-Western, and North-Eastern-Berwick, are the same as last week. In Foreign Shares, Northern of France and Western and North-Western of France are 16s., and Eastern of France 10s. higher. Great Central of Fiance has fallen 108. ; Sambre and Meuse, 7s. 6d. ; Paris and Lyons, Ss.


The English Funds are firmer this morning, at an improvement of 4; Consols for Money are 924 4, and 93/ 1. for-Account. Exchequer Bills 3 to 1 discount. The bullion return by the Bank 'of England presents an increase of 83,7501. The return by the Bank of France for the past month is again unfavourable : the bullion shows a further improvement of 724,0001., and now forms a total of 11,46-5,000/.. Foreign Stocks have not altered. Rail- ways are rather lower—Great Western, 60; London and South-Western,94; Midland, 741.

The National Provincial Bank of England, at a meeting on Thursday, de- clared a dividend and bonus for the half-year which make with a former dividend a distribution at the rate of 16 per cent per annum. The-report on the state of . the business of the bank was favourable ; three new branches promise to be highly successful. It was resolved to issue a number of new shares, making the total paid-up capital 600,0001. The Bank of Commerce of New York intend to double their capital, making it 2,000,000/. There was a talk in the city of a new bank, with a capital of 4,000,0001., to be started with foreign capital ; the rumour is sup- posed to have originated in the recent banking mama in London.

An arrangement between Messrs. Pete, Betts, and Massey, and the Victoria Dock Company, is on the eve of completion, by which an interest of 5 per cent is guaranteed to the shareholders by Peto and Co., and half of any sur- plus profits; the contractors to be permitted to raise more capital by shares and debentures. The business of the docks is increasing.


'The English Funds, after having been 4 higher, have reverted to the quo- tations of the morning ; Consols have been done at 93, and leave off 921.1, and 934 1 for Account. Exchequer Bills are Is. better, being now 2 dis- count 1 premium. In the Foreign Market there is no feature. Railways have rallied a little—Caledonian, 591; Great Northern, 944 ; Great Western, 601 ; London and Blackwell, 7-;-London, Brighton, and South Coast, 102 ; London and North-Western, 1001 ; London and South-Western, 94; Midland, 741; North-Eastern—York, 551 i South-Eastern, 701 ; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 121 ; Great IN estern of Canada, 26a ; Mine—Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 264. Joint Stock Banks—Co- lonial, 21; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 181; Union.of Australia, 70. Miscellaneous—Unlade, 138; Canada Government 6 per Cent January. and July, 1111; Crystal Palace, 21; Electric Telegraph, 951; General SCrew Steam Shipping Company, 161; -Peel River Land and Mineral, 21.

3 per Cent Consols 92 Dutch-24 per Cents 5

91 1 Peruvian 44 per Cents . 77

Ditto for Account 931 Ditto 4 per cents 93 5 3 per Cent Reduced 91 Mexican 3 per Cents 224 I New 3 per Cents ' Long Annuities 3 Ditto 3 per gents 54 6 Bank Stock 210 12 Portuguese 4 per Cents 48 50

Exchequer Bills 2 dis 1 pm: Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 India Stock ' 226 9 Ditto 44 per Cents 94 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 89 92 Spanish 3 per Cents 444 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 244 5 Belgian 4i per Ceuta 93 5 ex d Sardinian 5 per Cents 94 0 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 87 90

Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Turkish 6 per Cents 974 4 Ditto 3 per Cents .. 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 101 4 The dividend of the Great Northern of France Railway for the past year was at the rate of 161 per cent, 'No'English railway approaches such a height of prosperity.

CRYSTAL PALACR—Return of admissions for five days ending Friday May 9, including season-ticket-holders, 18,3.29.