At the sitting of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives on
Wednes- day, M. Orta called attention to the speech of Count Walewski at the Conference in Paris touching the Belgian press. He denied the truth of the accusations ' • he denied that Belgium offered a solitary example of abuse of the liberty of the press • he denied that the law is a dead letter —that offences could be committed with impunity ; and, speaking with pride of the conduct of Belgium in 1839 and 1848, he put three questions to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Amid deep silence, M. Vilain XIV, Minister of Foreign Affairs, re- plied— " When I read the protocol in the newspapers, I thought it my duty, though having duties of a sad nature to perform at the time, to prepare, in case either the French Government or any other Government represented at the Congress should officially forward the treaty of peace and the proto- cols to the Brussels Cabinet, the draught of an eventual reply which might. be communicated to all the Governments forming part of the Congress. I finished that draught of reply four days ainoe, and it is ready ; and, if I were allowed to read it here, perhaps the Chamber might find that it contains some of the considerations which M. Orts has just point- ed out to our attention. All that is wanting to this document, which,. as I said before, has been ready for four days, is my signature. My idea was to present it only on the morrow of the day upon which one of the Powers represented at the Congress of Paris should think fit to make an offi- cial notification of the treaty of Paris with the protocols. Secondly, M. Orts wishes to know whether any one of the Governments represented at the Congress has asked the Belgian Government to propose any modification in the constitution ? None of them has made such a proposition. The honour- able member desires, finally, to know whether the Cabinet, in case such a request should be made, is disposed to propose to the Chamber any change in the constitution? Never!' (Loud and reiterated applause.) The Chamber, greatly moved, adjourned without doing further busi- nese.
The memorandum presented by the Count de Cavoux at the sittin? Of the Piedmontese Chambers on the 6th instant shows—that Austria having, at the Conferences, refused to discuss the condition of Italy, Sardinia, as the only state which offers a barrier to revolution, calls for the coopera- tion of England and France in carrying out reforms. It shows that the evils of Austrian occupation are opposed to the interests of Italy and Europe, and contrary to treaty, humanity, and justice. Finally, the memorandum represents how strongly it is for the interests of France and England, and of European order, to unite with Sardinia in the applica- tion of efficacious remedies.
The Moniteur of yesterday announced that Count de Monty, President of the Legislative Body, is named Ambassador Extraordinary at St. Petersburg.