10 MAY 1834, Page 11


A revere hurricane was experienced at the Mauritius on the 20th January, which caused considerable damai.:o to the shipping in the harhour.

Arrived—At lilistol, May 7111, Deflanee, kirk, !rum Mauritius. At Von Diemen s Laud. Nov. 4th, South, Watson, from Leith ; and Dec. 501, Wave, Goldsmith, from London.

Arrived—At Gravesend, May 3.1, Morley, Douglas, from Ceylon ; atal Judith. Agar, from Mauritius ; 4:11, I iii tepid. Robin,mti. front Bengal : An:torus, Oliver. from !,latt- ritins ; and Hanover. Paton. from Singaistre; Si!,. Weltanne, Pal. front Mauritius; 701. Chades Carter. Christie, from the Cape : and Tickler, Lowdon, front singapore; Si h. Loudon. NVintble, from Bengal ; and Thomas Grenville. Burnet. from China. Off Margate, fit,, Asia, Stead. from Bengal. At Deal. 5:11. Mary, Roome. front the Cape; Cornwall. Bell. from Bengali; Sir Edward Ihrnet, 'rocker, from Itornhity ; awl Ir. C_ S. Lowther Ca-the, Harris, tiom China ; 711,, Marquis Ilastiugs. Clarkson. from Boni- bay; and Childrens, Inirochier. frc.m Van D lemon's Laud ; Stli, Singapore, Cargill.

from Singapore; awl Dawen. Beaison, from tlw Off the Wight. 4th. Ilero of Italono. Tucker. for Bombay. At Bristol, 3,1, St. George, Thompson, from Bengal ; and 5th, Dominica. Wilisp 'or, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 341, Fame, Hargraves ; Nelson, Woull, COIVIDAD; ai,,I Laity Fitzlimhert, Ferrier. t at., Matiritias. Off ditto. 7 11, Princess Charlotte. Si 'hi, from Bombay. At St Helena. March 13;11. Lord Danger- ford, Farquharson. from Renal: 1401, Achilles, Duncan, lhont Cc ton ; I7th, 11. C. Ships Castle Huntley, 3olinson, from China ; and Cabot, Lew, frun .1 Ito ; jt hi, 11. C. S. Larkins, Campbell. from ditto; and Lonl Hobart, Ifarriagton. from the Cap. At the Cape, Fen. 9th, Circe. Reynolds. from London ; 234:, Conch, from Mauritius; 27111, Nrellingtoa, from Madras ; and MarnIt. 11. C. S. 1,tike of Sossex. Whitehead. from China. At IteDgal, J:111.6. Isabel, Gattal. front Liverpool. Sailed—From Bristol. 6111, Governor Fit:Llay. Kennelly, from Ita;avia ; anal 7tit„ Hector, Cowlv, for Pow ha y.

Sailed—Front Gravesend, May 3d, Hibernia, Genies, for Madras ; 5th. Tyre'', Munro. for New South Wiles; and 8th, Olyniptis, Curie, for the Cape. From liver. pout, it!,. John Woodall, !lender:4m, for Bengal. The Atm Ja:neson, Aliyxander. from London, with about 200 tens of her cargo on board. wits burnt at Sydney ou 30th Nov, ,