Whitelaw's words
Sir: It is a pity that Mr Patrick Cosgrave allows himself to stray so far from the path of accuracy in his ' quotations ' from Mr William Whitelaw's recent speech (March 3). He seems to have accepted at face value words put into Mr Whitelaw's mouth by some journalists without taking the trouble to ascertain whether the words were ever said or the gloss put upon them valid. However, his errors afford a welcome opportunity to put the record straight. At no time did Mr Whitelaw say there was a "curious comparison between trade union militancy in Britain and terrorists in Northern Ireland."
What Mr Whitelaw did say was that there was one issue crucial to the wellbeing of the United Kingdom as a whole which "bears comparison with some features of the Northern Ireland situation, I refer to the Government's counterinflation package." Mr Whitelaw went on to deal with events which led to the Government's decision to legislate on prices and incomes and then said, "just as in Northern Ireland, those less capable of protecting themselves have to be defended against those intent on imposing their own will — in one case by armed strength and in the other by industrial strength."
Does Mr Cosgrave not agree with Mr Whitelaw's assertion that it is the duty of responsible government to protect those in society who are not equipped to protect themselves?
Does he not accept that this means protection against violence for the people of Northern Ireland and protection against inflation for those who do not possess the industrial strength with which to attempt to defend themselves?
Ian C. Carr Chairman, Penrith and the Border Conservative Association, 4 Spencer Street, Carlisle