This week, like its predecessor, has been remarkable for the frequent changes in Government Securities, but has exceeded the latter in their ex- tent. From the magnitude of the operations for a fall, and the consequent expectation that a great demand for Stock would exist on the arrangement Of the Account, the Funds advanced on Monday nearly 1 per cent. In the settlement on Tuesday, great difficulty was experienced in the supply of Consols for Money ; which speedily attained 94, but the highest point for July was only 931, and they finally closed 4 lower. On Wednesday, the last transactions for Money just before the shutting of the Bank-books for dividends, were at 921; a decline having taken place through some sales of Stock. The improvement during the last account had amounted to about 61 per cent. Yesterday, Consols were quoted ex-dividend, and they ranged between 901 and 911: a fall of 1 occurred at the close, owing to a decline of nearly 2 per cent in French Stocks. The general intelligence regarding the prospects of the war has been viewed favourably this week ; and the high prices which have ruled on the Paris Bourse until latterly have inspired con- fidence. The Chancery-broker has been a large buyer. The French rate of exchange continues firm; it is therefore unlikely that any further remittances of gold will be made from this side. The money- market in Vienna is improving, and the rate of exchange is 12.58. At St. Petersburg the rate has recovered to 364d. The arrivals of specie on Monday by the Mexican and New York packets amounted to about 500,000I. On Wednesday, a Government notice was issued of guaranteed loans for Deme- rara and Trinidad, amounting respectivtly to 50,000/. and 25,0001. under the act of 1848. Demerara having previously received 200,0001., and Trinidad 100,0007., the sums now to be raised will complete the authorized totals. The debentures are to be for 500/. each, and the interest 4 per cent from the 1st of July next, redeemable in twenty years from that date. The tenders are to be sent in on the 19th instant, and none accepted for less than 50001. It is said that the clauses in the Winding-up Bill of the South Sea Company regarding the creation of a Trust Association have been unfavourably re- ported by a Committee of the House of Lords.
Today, the Funds have been very changeable. Consols, after being as low as 91, have rallied, and ultimately leave off as they were yesterday-911 ex-dividend. Bank Stork is the same as last week. Exchequer Bills are Is. lower. India Stock is shut.
Foreign Securities generally have been maintained, and in some instances an improvement has taken place. Several purchases of Russian have been made. Peruvian was much inquired after on Monday, when the Four-and- . a-hall per Cents were done at 69, and the Three per Cents at S3: they are
out in the intelligence communicated through the ordinary channels. fu . Peruvian Three per Cents have decline •ity-ttelie success- d 3, Mexican ,', and Spanish The least-known portions consist of the conversations and despatches Deferred and Certificates 1. Russian Five and Portuguese Four per Cents which passed between the representatives of France and England and M. have improved 2, and Sardinian 1. The remittance by the Mexicali; packet raicos, King Otho's Foreign Minister, relative to transactions which first on Monday on account of the dividends was 45,000 dollars from Vera Cruz. indicated and afterwards fully proved complicity in the insurrectionary At Tampico on the 29th of April, 18,000 dollars were waiting for shipment. movement on the part of the Greek Government. In these diplomatic From Mazatlan 3241 dollars had been sent to Panama on the 13th of April. proceedings the Russian Minister took no part ; contenting himself with Nothing was known of the Mesilla Valley treaty having been agreed to by saying that his instructions from the Emperor "had always been to re- the Senate at Washington.
commend to Greece a calm and hopeful attitude" ; expressing his regret In Railways, a large amount of business has been transacted this week at improved prices, although a slight reaction has been experienced occasion-
being very different from ours, he could do no more." The overt pro- titillry;nleveheinuConsoels bravuenbeirdtemprarily depressed. Last evening, the dif- ceedings kept pace with the movements of Russia herself. Prince Men- lines comparedwith Saturday's was (tiorithre following extent. Increase-Bristol schikoff's arrival at Constantinople was chosen as the time for moving mingham, 2/ • Caledonian, Edinburgh and Glasgow, ow, Great Norutrlieran, Lan- troops towards the Turkish frontier, and for permitting the open deser- caster and Car. 'lisle, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.' Midland, 15s. ; tion of Greek officers known to stand high in the confidence of the King, Great Western, London, Brighton and South Coast, and York and North Mid who proceeded in the same direction. They were subsequently joined land, 10s.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 108. lower. London and Nt.1 th- Western by parties of Greek soldiers, who found no difficulty in following their the same as lust week. The improvement in Foreign Shares has been-Na- officers. Priests were permitted to perambulate the country under the mur and Liege, 1/. 108. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 1/. Si.; Paris sod Orleans, Greek churches were made in Nicholas's name ; recruiting went on in the
and Paris and Rouen, 1/. ; Northern of France, Sambre and Meuse and R
I Western of France, 10s. ; Paris and Lyons, 2s. 6d. Today the English' lines The English Funds are at the quotations of yesterday, but they opened higher. Consols are now 9la ex-dividend for the Account. Exchequer
now lower. The late rise was caused by. a 0 ment to induce the English Bondholders to ay? Sitempt lirtligvern- trod 'ontof4 ,000/.
of home debt on the London market, imsoritdera a , ztheir 'Shaving the profits of a further sum of 15s. per ton placed:14)6w .ptiegano. The exposure in December last and resistance othe Bon ol ersirustrated the objects of the Government, and the new attempt-is' Bills par to 4 $ premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a small increase of 9300/. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing. Rail- ways are rather firmer; the present bargains are these-Edinburgh and Glasgow, 58 ; Eastern Counties, 121; Great Northern, 901; Midland, 62i; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 624; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 70.
The English Funds have been very quiet since the morning, and no al- teration has occurred ; Consols leaving off at 911 1. Exchequer Bills par to 4 premium. In Foreign Stocks the only change is in Mexican, which is a shade lower, being now 231 1.
Railways are rather higher, but the bargains, as in other departments, have been very few, owing to the absence of a large number of members of the House-the Crystal Palace possessing greater attractions today than the Stock Market. These are the latest transactions-Eastern Counties, In ; East Lancashire, 61; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 581; Great Northern, 90; Great Western, 76k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 624; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1031; London and North-Western, 91; London and South- Western, 82; Midland, 621; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 354; North Staffordshire, 131; South Devon, 141; South-Eastern, 62,, South Wales, 341; Thames Raven Dock and Railway, 34; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 71; York and North Midland, 511; Great Western, Converted Redeemable 44 per Cent, 964; London and Brighton Preferential 5 per Cent Stock, 115; Northern of France, 341; Paris and Strasbourg, 311. Mine-Agua Fria, 1. Joint Stock Banks-Australasian, 81k; Union of Australia, 711. Miscella- neous-Australian Agricultural, 431; Crystal Palace, 64; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 504; Peel River Land and Mineral, 44; Scottish Austral- asian Investment, 24; Van Diemen's Land, 131.
3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 74 7 Ditto for Account 91# 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 60 2 3 per Cent Reduced 91i A Ditto 4 per Cents 88 90 34 per Cents 92g V Mexican 3 per Cents 231 1 Long Annuities 41 Peruvian 4.1 per Cents 65 7 Bank Stock 204 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 48 50 Exchequer Bills par 4 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 99 101 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 5 Ditto 41 per Cents 84 6
Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 39i 44
Belgian 41 per Cents 88 92 Ditto Deferred 194 f Chilian 6 per Cents 100 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 ex d. Danish 5 per Cents 99 101 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7 ex d.