10 JUNE 1848, Page 2

The intelligence from Italy is hopeful on the whole. The

Ital- ians have gamed a double victory over the Austrians : a great at- tack by the latter, at Goito, was effectively repulsed in the first pitched battle ; and the repulse was followed by the surrender of Pesehiera. Charles Albert was slightly hurt, and the Duke of Savoy, his son, won the admiration of the army by keeping his eaddle till the last in spite of a wounded thigh. Calabria is re- ported to be in open insurrection ; and great numbers of Sicilians Were crossing the straits to aid the insurgent Calabrese. Messina had at last fallen into the hands of the people. Gioberti *as at Rome, pursuing, apparently with success, his _grand scheme of organizing a confederation of the Princes. Events favour the two great branches of Italian policy—the consolidation of Italy, and the expulsion of Austria.