10 JUNE 1837, Page 7

The " Hippodrome" at Notting.bill—a new ruce-course, or rather, we

suppose, a course for steeple-chases—was opened to the public on Sa- turday. A large assemblage of sporting gentlemen were present, and the arrangements for seeing the races were excellent. Some disorder occurred from an inroad of a number of " the very lowest orders of the community," indignant at the enclosure of a footpath over the hill on which they claimed a right of passage ; but as the fence had been pru- dently pulled down, there was no rioting or violence . The winning horses for the only two races were Mr. Wickham's Pincher and Mr. Elmore's Lottery. There is to be another meeting in about a fort- night. It is said that altogether 30,000 persons went to Notting-hill on Saturday.